raped and raved

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she walked back over and took the phone back. she looked at the screen and then back at me, she was scared.
she started running down the hall, "angel!" i shouted running after her.
she went into her room and locked the door. "open the fucking door i want to talk to you!" i said slamming my foot into the door.

"go away bill." she said behind the door. "open the door" i slammed my door into it again causing it to break.
the bathroom door locked after she ran into it. i broke down the rest of the door and started banging on the bathroom door. "please bill go away!"
Angel said crying.
"open the door!"
the lock clicked and her fragile body moved away from the frame.

"explain now." i said as she lent against the bathroom sink.
"when you shot zak, you grazed his stomach. hes okay, when you guys left and i woke up i took him to the hospital. im sorry, please dont hurt me bill" she was scared and stuttering her words. "i wont hurt you, well not physically." "wha-" she said before i ripped open her top.

"bill no stop!" she repeated as i removed her clothes.
"shut up!" i slapped her across her face and she stopped talking.
i lined myself up with her entrance and thrusted in and out.
i groaned and moaned occasionally but really, it felt horrible. knowing she didnt want this. i ruined this sweet girls life, and she wont ever have a chance to forget this.

i finished inside of her. i felt sick, my pleasure lead to discomfort. i pulled up my clothes from my ankles and then my shirt from the floor.
she layed there, tears falling from her face. her phone rang from the bathroom. i grabbed it and read the name, "kyle" i chucked it at her. it slit the top of her head slightly, blood poured. i couldn't think of that.

he chucked my phone at me, it slid across my forehead causing it to drip blood. i ignored it and then answered the phone. "hey baby how are you" he said in a cheery voice
"not good. my friend tom got into a car crash do you think you could take valerie for a few days?"
"yeah that's fine with me darling"
"thanks so much kyle, i love you"
"love you too babe"
i felt so bad, this poor man who's wife wont even live with him and just had someone elses dick inside her.
not optionally but gross i shoved on some clothes before there was a knock on my door.

"Angelica, you hungry?" Tom asked from the doorway
"no." i said quickly
"angel, you know what Bill's like he will force you to eat. please just eat something" "im just not hungry okay?!" i said walking into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. i jumped into the shower, as the warm water dripped down my back i looked towards the mirror and at my stomach. i lost alot of weight but still was not happy, what's wrong with me!

i washed my hair and body and then stepped out, i dried myself then wrapped myself in the towel. i walked into my room and got dressed, my phone buzzed. i had always gone to raves and parts with my friends and there was one nearby, i questioned to go for a few minutes but why wouldn't i? i loved raves. the drinking the drugs and the sex. i undressed and then shoved on some jean shorts and a vest top. i searched through my bag for a small bag to put around my waist, i found one and put in some joints and some pink pills filled with molly. i done my makeup and dried my hair, everyone was asleep or in there rooms by now so i quietly snuck downstairs.

as i put on some shoes katie came behind me, "where are you going?"
"a rave?" "im coming!" "what about emiliana she cant be left with the boys alone" "ill go get her" she went upstairs as i searched for alcohol.

i got some and shoved it in Katie's backpack she had got. we all snuck out of the living room window as the door was locked, we laughed together and talked as we walked to the rave.
the music and flashing lights immediately made my mood change to ten times happier. we got setup near the front and then started dancing and drinking as we moved to the music.

i heard giggling from downstairs and stood up. i got dressed and went down, the window was open and all the girls were no where to be seen.
i called katie, she declined multiple times and then i gave up.
i woke up everyone else and we drove around until we saw flashing lights and loud music coming from a field not far from the house.

"they're probably in there"
georg said. "yeah let's see" tom said.
i parked the car and then we walked around for a while, i saw Katie at the bar ordering drinks. "KATIE" i shouted. her head turned to me and then she grabbed the drinks and began running. they ran after her whilst i payed for the drinks.

i followed the direction the boys went and saw angelica grinding against a man drunk, she locked eyes with me and smiled whilst still swaying her hips on the mans dick. i walked up to her and grabbed her arm. she was drunk and pupils were bigger than usual. i picked her up and she grabbed emiliana arm as tom picked her up, they laughed together but that soon stopped when they got chucked in the car. "way to ruin the fun" she muttered. "wheres katie?!" emiliana said looking around. "in the trunk she would get in the car," georg said.

i rolled my eyes and began driving home, i looked in the rear view mirror and saw angel taking around 5 pills at once and then putting something on her tounge. i turned around and grabbed the bag from her,
her eyes fluttered closed and then opened again and again. "angel?!" katie shouted.

she groaned in response before her body jolted forward at the car coming to a stop in the driveway. i got out as she tried to walk down the driveway but didnt really work, i walked towards her and caught her body as it fell to the floor. "fuck." i muttered, i brought her inside and then put her on the couch.

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