karmas a bitch

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i walked into the kitchen for some water, humming the sound of my music. i stepped on something and when i looked down i saw angela passed out on the floor.
"BILL!" i shouted causing him to come running in. "oh shit, what happened?!" "i dont know.. call an ambulance!" i picked her up and brought her outside. he head was on my lap. her sister came running out.
"lo que le occuriõ a ella?" she said.
(what happened to her?)
no one responded.

the ambulance arrived and we put her inside. i went with her and the others drove to the hospital.
she woke up. "the fuck?!" she shouted.
"angelica calm down." the nurse said.
"why is she here? wheres zak?!"
"hes at his house." i responded.
"wheres my phone?!"
i handed her it.

"zak? come to the hospital please"
"what happened?!"
"just come to the hospital!"
she hung up and started staring into space. my knee hopped up and down as she chewed on her lip.

she passed out again and the nurse started panicking making me panic too. we arrived at the hospital and they rushed her into a room.
i sat in the waiting room and zak ran inside, "where is she?" "in her room they haven't told me which one yet sorry" "what happened?!" "she passed out. she hasn't been eating for the past few weeks and when she did eat she would throw it up" "oh my god. that fucking cunt" "who?" "bill called her fat." "no he didnt" "shut the fuck up"
"you shut up!" "shut the fuck up katie! my sister is about to die because he called her fat!" i stayed silent after that. the nurse came back. "angelica Lee?" "yeah is she okay?" zak said standing up.

"yeah she just woke up you can come see her" we both walked to the room.
she was sat upright in bed chewing her lips. "angel!" zak said pulling her into a hug. "zak.. im sorry i didnt mean for this to happen" she started sobbing. "it's okay! it's fine. it's all under control, your okay arent you"
"yeah im fine thank you" she pulled out of the hug and locked eyes with me she didnt say anything buts just looked away.

the others came running in.
"im so glad your okay angel" bill said hugging her "are you okay?" tom said.
"yeah yeah im fine" she sat up and then got out of the hospital bed.
"angel i dont think you can leave yet?" i said as she pulled out the tubes in her arm. "when the fuck did i care about what you think?" she said grabbing her stuff and walked out of the room.

i waved zak goodbye and got in the car. i put in my earphones and bopped my head to the music.
tom tapped ms on the shoulder.
"angel?" "yeah?" "are you gonna eat now?" i didnt respond and just put in my earphone again.

i felt dizzy and weird but continued to look out the window.
i rolled down the window and threw up. "jesus! angel are you okay?"
"yeah im fine it's my meds"
"okay just tell me if smts wrong alright?" "yeah yeah whatever"
we got home and when i got out the car i felt lightheaded.
i took a deep breath before walking inside.

i walked to the kitchen as angel walked to her room. i made everyone food and then brought her a plate.
"angelica?" "yeah one second"
she unlocked the door and i could smell a strong scent of cigarettes.
i handed her the food.
"thanks.." "are you gonna eat it?"
"yeah." "do you wanna watch a movie" "no im tired ill eat and then go to sleep alright?" "yeah. make sure you eat though" "i will thank you"
i smiled and walked away. her door shut and i went back to the kitchen.

"is she eating?" katie asked.
"yeah. she is" i said back.
"good, i need to say sorry to her but she always starts shouting in spanish"
"you know spanish?" "yeah but shes Dominican its different! when she shouts i cant understand"
"just speak to her in english she'll forgive you but dont speak to her family anymore or speak about them"
"i know she exaggerates so much about her family life" she laughed.
"no she doesn't, she had it rough katie" "yeah shes been through alot" tom added on. "okay jesus but theres no need to brag about it"
"the fuck would i be bragging out bitch!" angela said before punching katie in the face. "ah what the fuck! anorexic cunt!" Angel shoved her into the wall and started punching her over and over before trying to strangle her.

tom pulled them apart.
"Angel! calm down"
"physco bitch! you think your so tough huh?" katie said walking towards her. she got out of Tom's grip and pushed Katie to the floor. she kicked her around the jaw and spat on her before going to her room again. Katie sobbed on the floor,
"can't be talking about people like that katie!" tom said. "whatever shes a fat bitch anyways no matter how much she eats shes still a fatty"
"that girls skinnier than you!"
"billy are you just gonna let him talk to me like that?!" "whatever this is your shit" i said walking to angelicas room. i knocked lightly on the door.
"come in." she said from the bathroom. i opened the bathroom door to see her shot wound.
"angel.." "it's fine please dont say anything about anything i cant right now" "yeah. i just came to see if you were okay" "yeah im fine."
"okay good. get some sleep" i kissed her on the cheek and left the room.

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