together forever

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i woke up to screaming and shouting in the hallway outside my room, i shoved the door open. tom and bill stood there yelling in german.
Bill's eyes met mine and he stormed over to me, "you fucking whore! kissing tom? you would kiss him but not me, let him fuck you but not me, let him take your virginity but he cant because your not a virgin anymore. your a dirty little slut" he said pushing me against the wall.
"b-bill" i sobbed through my fountain of tears. "dont fucking talk to him again. you only talk to me got it?"
i nodded my head looking away from his eyes full of fury. "speak!" he shouted before slapping me around the face hard, "yeah i wont talk to him" i stuttered out. "good." he said before slamming his lips into mine,
"kiss me back" he mumbled into my lips. i done as he said and he soon pulled out with my remaining lip liner smeared on his face.

he wiped it off and then stormed out of the room, i dont think i can live without tom. him and emiliana are the only thing keeping me here. if i cant be with him i cant be here at all,
i rushed into the bathroom shutting the dor behind me, i rummaged through the bathroom cabinet before finding the sharp blade. i sat against the cold floor and placed the metal against my thigh slicing it open again and again before being drenched in my own blood and passing out with a grin on my face.

i wandered to Angel's room as bill asked me to get her for him, i knocked on the door and opened it.
i heard the faucet running from the bathroom so i quickly opened the door. i was met with her on the floor, heart still beating and breathing shallow. a small blade placed next to her hand. blood all around the floor,
my eyes met the blade and i immediately grabbed it. i rolled up my sleeves and cut the shit out of my pale skin, my hand held hers as my eyes slowly closed.

"fuck what's taking so long" i mumbled before walking up the stairs into Angel's room, the faucet was running in the bathroom so i kicked the door open. i got flashbacks of the first time she had ever tried to commit in the same way but this time with emilianas cold body next to her.
"fuck. GEORG GUSTAV TOM" I shouted before kneeling next to their bodys.
they were still breathing but barely,
everyone rushed in and immediately grabbed their bodys and brought them to the car which i had stepped in seconds after. i sped down the road and pulled into the emergency room.

"HELP PLEASE" i shouted before 5 doctors surrounded us and took them to a room. me and the boys sat in the waiting room for hours, "bill kaulitz?"
"yes?!" i said standing up from my seat, "come with me" the doctor led me to the room. "unfortunately we were not able to save them. they had lost too much blood and had an extremely low energy level she hadn't eaten for atleast 10 days which was not good for the baby."
"baby? she was pregnant?" "yes. not for long i suppose for the alcohol and other things" "angel.." i looked at her lifeless body that was still warm to the touch.

i looked over at emilianas bed to see her small fragile body be taken in a black body bag, "im sorry for your loss sir." he said before leaving the room, i held her body in my arms before placing a kiss on her small lips,
i got out my gun from the back of my waistband and placed the cold rim to my temple. "I'll always be with you Angelica. us and out baby will be together forever" i smiled before forcing my finger to pull the trigger.

im so sorry this is the end of the story, hope you enjoyed it.
it's a sad ending but they were in heaven together with them and they're baby, thank you for all the support. look at some of my other stories, i have one similar to this but about tom and then i have another bill one about this type of thing. if you dont like this ending theres a happier one in the next chapter, thank you all! xxx

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