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i stopped talking after i heard what she said. i looked at zak, i couldn't live without him. hes my life. he always has been, ever since we were kids he would protect me and i would protect him. i stood up and walked over to stand by tom. i looked at zak and he looked back, sorrow in his eyes.

his eyes soon shifted to my tattoo and he smiled. all of our memories started forming in my mind. when i was being punched and kicked by my dad till the point i was bleeding but he helped me, when i cleaned his wounds and cuts from anywhere between my dad and gang fights just like this one.

"angel?" tom said shifting me back to reality. "yeah?" "he wants to talk to you" tom said pointing to zak.
he gestured me to come over to him and i did. he hugged me tight, "what's happening?" he started to speak in Spanish so anyone but katie couldn't understand. "im on probation and then know that, so i cant do anything.
they said if i give them drugs that are in my bag on the other side of the room. i need you to go get it, i love you red. i always will okay?"
"i love you too zk. you will always be my brother and ill always protect you but theres nothing i can do in this situation." "it's not your fault. go gee the drugs please." i walked past him to the bag and opened it. there was 2 bags of what appeared to be meth but on top of it was a small bag that was packed full of things and said "for angel" with a love heart written in black ink. i shoved the bag into my pocket and then took the bags.

"what do i do with these?" I asked zak.
"stand by my side until the end of the conversation be patient"
"okay" i said as i started playing with the small crystals inside of the clear bags. "angel pay attention" zak said nudging me. "give us the drugs and you are free" "what about angelica"
"we'll think about it"
"no you wont. think now what about me?" i said impatiently.
"we will think about it."

"give them the drugs okay? if they do anything else to you tell me. i love you" he said hugging me. i hugged him back before giving the bags to tom. i walked past him and sat myself down on the cold floor outside.

"katie go get her" i growled.
"dont. shes overstimulated and overthinking, leave her or she will run away if you leave her she wont"
zak said from the other side of the room. "leave her i can still see her it doesn't matter." i said to katie.

"if your going to keep her for longer you need to know some things or she wont co operate and try to kill herself again and will succeed she knows how to. shes got BPD and gets over stimulated easily. when too many people are talking she will dissociate so she wont talk to anyone and will zone out for about an hour. if you need anything else about her dont ask her just message me. her password is my birthday" zak said from across the room. i nodded at him before going outside.

"come on we're leaving" bill said walking down the steps. i done the same and katie held my hand.
"you have BPD?" she asked me again speaking in spanish. "yeah. dont worry about it though i have medication for it i just dont take it."
"is there anything else you have"
"anxiety it's not too bad anymore but still, i also have bad habits from my childhood which are pretty obvious so you will know when it happens."
"why do you listen to music so much like in your earphones"
"it's one of the things i do to calm myself down because it will focus on the music and not what's happening"
i said back.

we got in the car and bill grabbed my wrist and pushed me into the front seat. i pulled out my phone and put in some headphones to listen to music. bill took them out. "Angelica!" he said.
i ignored him and out my headphones back in.

"shes over stimulated." tom said from the backseat. "shut up." bill growled
we got to the house again and i started walking with katie. as i nit my lip she started to speak. "angel?"
"yeah?" "are you okay?"
"yeah im fine sorry" "i have some vodka in my room. get drunk?"
i was about to accept but bill said "shes on her meds she cant drink"
i started speaking Spanish with her again. "we will be getting drunk just put it in glasses so it looks like lemonade or water" "ofc!" she responded.

we walked into the house. "come to my room later im gonna get a shower okay?" "yeah" she said walking to her room. i walked into my room and into my bathroom. i unwrapped my bandages and started to put pressure on the cut. i accidentally opened up the cut and it started bleeding everywhere. "shit! shit! shit!" i said as i tried to bandage up the cut.

"angel you okay?" bill said from outside. i quickly locked the door and then cleaned up the blood wrapped up the cut again but it was still bleeding loads. i opened the bathroom door to see him still there.
"Angelica. please just talk to me!"
"what the fuck do you want bill?"
"you have bpd"
"really im shocked" i said in a sarcastic way.
"why didnt you tell me?"
"please tell me why would I?"
i lit a cigarette and started to smoke it.

i hugged angel but she didnt hug me back. her hair smelt like cigarettes and coconuts i forgot how much i missed this. "get the fuck off me!" she said pushing me away.
"what's your problem?!" i shouted back. "you raped me and then took me to see my brother who i stopped talking to after he tried to kill my kid!" "whatever. go fuck off with your abusive dad for all i fucking care."
her eyebrows raised at my sentence before she grabbed her phone and ran out. i ran after her but she ran alot faster than me. she raised her phone to her ear and started to speak in spanish whilst she ran around the hallways me following her.
she finally got outside and approached a motor bike. "i will fuck off with my abusive dad then fuck you!"

bill stood there not knowing what to do next. katie and Tom ran out. tom was shirtless and Katie's hair was wet.
katie ran up to me and started speaking spanish. "dont go! they will kill you Angela! you cant fucking die your my only friend please!"
her words hurt but worked.

i turned around and muttered a few words to the man "thank you. ill see you soon glad you live near kyle" i smiled at him.
"who's that?" katie said once again spanish. "Kyle ill tell you about him later" i said as he drove away.
bill stood there still shocked.

katie and tom went inside.
"dont speak about my fucking family bill. family means nothing to me, but dont you ever fucking dare pull that abusive shit ever again!" i said pushing him. i walked inside and went to my room to clean my wrists. tom was walking behind me but i didnt notice him come into my room.

my phone started ringing and it was kyle. he spoke Russian and taught me it. i wasnt fluent but just enough to get through most conversations.
i only spoke it to him.
"hello?" i said
"hey baby, you okay now"
"yes. dont worry kyle im fine now how are you"
"im perfect. i wish you were here"
"same but my friends have me on fucking house arrest. if they piss me off again i can count on you"
"you can always count on me darling"
"thank you Kyle. i love you"
"love you too" i hung up and turned around to see tom there"

"i gotta learn some spanish"
"that wasnt spanish. russian baby"
"who were you speaking to"
"my husband. kyle"
"hmmm. how old is kyle"
"okay hes a little bit older but its fine"
"how much older?"
"okay hes 54 but he buys me gifts and loves me so shut up"
"okay little miss daddy issues"
"shut up!"

bill walked in the room.
"kyle huh?"
"what about him"
"nothing heard his name earlier."
i didnt respond and just unwrapped my bandage. i whinced a little as it pulled on the dry blood. i went into the bathroom and ran it under some water. the whole sink turned red from the blood that was pouring out.

"are you fucking serious" i muttered.
"what- oh my god!" he said looking at the sink. bill walked in and didnt even make an expression to it.
"it's fine just some blood" i said stopping the water. i shook my wrist slightly and some blood flicked on my face.

i dried it leaving the towel red aswell.
i wrapped a bandage over it but it bled through it like nothing.
i went to Tom's room as katie was sleeping. "kaulitz?" "Lee?"
"what should i do it wont stop bleeding?" "let's go to the hospital"
"no it takes too long. have you got a plaster?" "yeah why?"
"where?" "here" he said handing me one from his drawer.
i took of the bandage and put on the plaster hoping it would just heal on its own.

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