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she walked to my room and i stared up at the ceiling. all of my thoughts drowning me, "angelica?" bill said standing over me. i hummed in response. "go to sleep" "why its not late" "go to sleep!" he shouted.

i walked into my room to see emiliana sitting on the edge of my bed, "hey what's wrong?" "nothing. im good have you seen a black handbag around here?" "yeah it's on the desk"
"thanks" i grabbed the bag and opened my window. "dont tell anyone!" "okay be careful!" she said as i jumped down. i saw bill in the kitchen window making eye contact with me. i rushed out of the garden and down random streets. i saw a forest and ran through it speeding up as i heard footsteps behind me.
i came to a main road and a car stopped beside me. "help me please!"
i said to the man. "i need to get gas stay here!" he sped down to a gas station near by as i hid behind a tree.

the car came back and i opened the door and got in. i looked beside me to see georg in the drivers seat and gustav in the back. "what the fuck?!!"
"bill sent us." "let me out i can finally be fucking free and your just gonna destroy that?!" "im sorry angelica."
"open the window I want a cigarette."
"your not aloud to smoke"
"open the fucking window georg!"
the window opened and i lit a cigarette slowly puffing on it.

he got to a red light and we sat in silent for a moment, as the light turned green i threw myself out of the window and chucked the lit cigarette and georg. i sprinted down the street and to a gas station. i threw myself behind the counter "someone's trying to kidnap me please dont say im here!" i said to the cashier as the car pulled up.

there were footsteps, a gun clicked "where is she?!" gustav said.
"w-who?" "the girl you dumb bitch!"
she looked down at me. i shook my head no. "im so sorry" she said as they dragged me outside.
mascara filled tears dripped down my face. they threw me inside the car and started shouting at me, "you could of gotten yourself killed what were you thinking?!" "have you ever thought i wanted to he killed?! ive tried to kill myself like 4 times already in this place how haven't you realized i want to die than be here!" they were silent after that. until we got to the house,
gustav grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. no matter how much i moved trying to get free his grip still stayed, he chucked me at the cold floor to make eye contact with bill.

he had sadness in his eyes as georg spoke to him in german.
he must of told him what i had said,
he looked over at me and then my legs that were covered in bruises and cuts from the forest.  he grabbed my wrist and took me upstairs into his room.
"why am i here?" i said leaning against the wall.
"i need to talk to you,"
"go on then"
"do you really wanna kill yourself"
he said looking at me in my eyes.
i looked to the floor, "why are you asking?" "georg told me what you said" "oh." "yeah" "why do you care anyways you want me dead anyways."
"no, i dont"
"whatever" i said walking out.
why did he care anyways?
it's not like were dating!

ugh he annoys me.
acting like he cares. acting like he didnt fucking kidnap me.
i went into my room and saw emiliana was gone, my bedroom window was wide open. i remember her shutting it after me, "SHIT!" i shouted running out of my room and down the stairs.

"emilianas gone!" i said panicking.
"shes right here calm down"
tom said pointing to her sleeping on the couch. "jesus fucking christ that scared the shit out of me"
"get some sleep angel. you've had an eventful day" "night tom" "night Angelica" he said hugging me.
i hugged him back and saw bill in the corner of my eye at the stairs, looking at us jealous.

i shoved past him and went into my room. i sat on my bathroom floor as my bath ran. i got in, still fully clothed. i grabbed a razor to shave my legs but got distracted by the sharp peice of metal inside. i looked around and saw scissors on the bathroom counter. i grabbed them and started to shave away the plastic containing the blade.

it fell into my hands and i threw the plastic away. i got back in the bath and went to run the blade along my scar. "angel?" an unexpected voice said which startled me and i cut my wrist deep. "shit!" "are you okay?"
"y-yeah dont worry im fine"
my wrist started pooling blood around me making the bath water go a deep crimson colour.

i zoned out completely forgetting about the blood dripping down my arm onto my clothes. after a few minutes i was covered in my own blood and zoned back into reality.
i grabbed a towel not even realising it was a clean white hand towel.
i applied pressure on my wrist and it soon stopped bleeding.

i wrapped a bandage around it and drained the bath. i cleared the blood from the floor with the white towel and chucked it on the bathroom counter along with the blood coated razor underneath. i put on an oversized hoodie and shorts and soon fell asleep.

"ANGEL?!!!" tom said shaking me awake "what??" "can i use your bathroom georgs in mine"
"yeah whatever go ahead"
i stepped out my room and walked downstairs. my eye moved to the white bandage with blood seeping through slowly. i pulled up the sleeve and sat down on the couch next to bill and emiliana.

after a few minutes i was consumed by the tv show that was playing and didnt even realise tom came downstairs. "what's that?" bill asked.
"huh?" i said looking in the direction his eyes were. tom was standing there with the blood soaked towel in his hand. my face dropped, "angel?"
"yeah.." "what's this?" "uh- uhm" i couldn't even think of an excuse my mind was replaying the sharp pain in my wrist and blood dripping in my head. "angel?" bill said shaking me.
"i dont know what that's from.."
"it was in your bathroom?"
i looked at tom. anger in my eyes, i looked away and rested my head on a pillow. "angel let me see your arms" bill said grabbing my wrist.

"no get the fuck away from me!"
i scrambled away but got consumed in his and gustavs grasp. i kicked and screamed but they soon lifted up my hoodie arm. they're grips tightened as bill took off the bandage. "get off!" i cried. they let go and i ran to my room. locking the door behind me.

i lit a cigarette trying to distract me from the tears pouring down my face.
one after the other i puffed on it.
there were loud bangs on my door.
"ANGELICA LET ME IN!" bill shouted.
i got scared and backed away from the door. the ash off my cigarette fell on my knee. "OW FUCK!" i screamed at the sudden pain.

there were more loud bangs and my door was unlocked from the outside.
"why didnt you open the door!" he shouted at me. i sat on the edge of my bed. cigarette still in my mouth,
"just go away bill," i muttered.
he slapped me around the face.
i showed no reaction and he soon left.

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