part 19

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tom took emiliana to Angel's room and then georg took katie to hers.
i was now alone as gustav had went to help tom as emiliana was kicking and punching him in the hallway.

i sat next to angel on the couch and started to watch tv, as i flicked through the channels i saw a car racing one. as the cars roared down the tracks her eyes fluttered open.
"nascar?" she mumbled. "i dont know"
she sat up and looked at the screen, "me and my dad used to watch it together before he turned into an asshole" "oh" i said back.

"im gonna go to sleep" i said as she put her legs up on the couch.
"okay" "come on go sleep"
"im not tired"
"come on!" i took her arm and walked with her towards her room, i opened the door to it. when i did she pushed me against the wall and started kissing me i kissed her back and then pulled out before walking into her room. she followed me, "what was that about?" i asked. "nothing just wanted to kiss you" she giggled.
"bye angelll" i said shutting the door,
"bye bill" i shut the door fully and then went to my room.

i unlocked it to see katie naked on the bed, "hi bill" she said smiling.
"bye katie" "what?!" "get out"
"you have never been able to say no to my tits before."
"what tits! you have none either your fuckin push up bras and tissue!"
"ugh!" She shouted before grabbing her clothes and walking out.

i opened my window and lit a cigarette, i started smoking it but got consumed in my thoughts. i snapped back to reality when my fingers began burning from the ash of the cigarette.
i dropped it out the window and then jumped into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

i got woke up by a shower running.
was someone using my bathroom, what the fuck. i knocked on the door and a voice shouted back as the shower stopped running. "sorry gustav was using mine!" emilianas sweet voice said. "it's fine, dont worry" i walked out of my room to downstairs.

bill and tom were sitting on the couch and both looked at me whilst i walked towards the kitchen. i poured a glass of water and sat up on the counter
i was still wearing a tank top and shorts, "are you alright angel?" tom said walking in the kitchen.
"i feel weird" "probably from the amount of drugs you done last night"
he laughed. "fuck! does he know?"
"yeah he went to pick you up from the rave" "that was fun i can remember"
he laughed and i jumped down from the counter, i randomly felt extremely sick. i ran to the bathroom and kneeled next to the toilet, i started throwing up blood, oh shit.

the door was wide open and when i looked towards it bill was standing there staring towards me. i smiled before throwing up again, he ran towards me and then held my hair.
i thre up once more before standing up and flushing the toilet.
"are you okay?!"
"yeah, i dont know why im being sick dont worry" "this has happened before" "yeah. it's when i do drugs or when my meds are uneven"
ugh i haven't been taking them again,
i sighed and then went to my room to take my meds. i popped them in my mouth and then went back to the living room after brushing my teeth.

i sat on the couch next to tom when katie walked in. she was wearing a tiny top and denim shorts, "katie are those my shorts?"
"yeah sorry" it felt weird like she didnt even ask me.
"okay it's fine just ask me next time"
she nodded and then walked into the kitchen.

i felt a sudden pain in my stomach,
i groaned and then tom turned to me.
"you alright angel?"
"yeah" it happened again.
i walked to the bathroom and pulled down my shorts before noticing i got my period. "fuck!" I said before running to my room to change.

i changed my underwear and shoved on a (pad or tampon) before wearing sweatpants and one of Tom's baggy shirts. i walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.
"my shirt?" tom laughed, "dont talk to me" i said before going to lay on the couch. he followed me, "what's wrong with you?" he smiled.
i glared at him and he went silent before sitting down on the other couch. bill walked in and sat beside me, "you alright now?" he said.
"yeah im fine i took my meds"

sorry this is so short ill do another one later tonight but im going out xxx
807 words! X

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