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"BILL COME ON" tom shouted as i ran out after him looking back at her body now pouring with blood.
i sat in the car, silence loomed.
we got home and i stepped into her room. i held her clothes that she could no longer wear, her bracelets and necklaces that were once layed on her body. the blood stained clothes from all the times she had tried to end it.

i sat on her bed and soon fell asleep,
i opened my eyes to see it was still daylight. "miss me?" a familiar voice said from the doorway. i looked over to see angelica standing there, "angel?" i stuttered. "hey bill" i hugged her and her cold arms wrapped around me. "i love you." i said pulling out of the hug, "i love you too bill" she said slowly faiding from my vision.

my eyes fluttered open, i was dreaming but it seemed so real.
i shoved my boots on and walked out over to my car. i drove to zaks house that no longer held anyone, her motorbike was outside. the one she used to ride with him when they were younger and didnt even know they're future. i looked at it for a few minute before driving down to the beach.

i sat on the soft sand, i felt my gun as i layed down and pulled it out.
i cocked it back, pushing it against my temple. my eyes filled with tears,
"BILL STOP!" i heard from behind me.
i turned around to see her standing there in one of my shirts and some shorts. "bill!" she said walking towards me. "angel.." "it's okay, im alright you see?" "how"
"i just woke up. it was a fake bullet that tom had filled them with. and the blood was zaks, the bullet just shocked my nerve and it made me pass out." "oh angel" she hugged me and this time it felt alot more real.

"im so glad your okay"
"let's go home bill" she got in the car, her knee bouncing up and down.
i never realised how much i noticed that sound until it was gone.
we got home and she jumped out.
the boys were in the living room, katie wrapped around tom.
he shoved her off of him and hugged angel. "angel.." he muttered.
"i would be dead if you didnt change my bullets" "i cant believe it" he said pulling out of the hug.

she hugged the others except katie.
"wheres my hug?" she said looking at her. "with my brother" she laughed.
she lit a cigarette and sat at the window. her lighter always had a second click to it and she refused to use a different one. something about zaks lighter or whatever.

she put her feet up on the window sill.
"what are you looking at?" she said laughing. "you pretty much just rose from the dead?" "yeah guess so" she blew the smoke from her mouth and then stood up walking to her room.

i followed after her. her phone rang as she walked down the hallway, "hey you okay?" "yeah im fine, today was so funny" the voice said from the phone. "i know right!" "gotta go love you" "you too" she hung up and jumped when she saw me behind her.
"why are u following me?"
"can i borrow your phone?"
"why.." "mine died and i need to call someone" "whatever here" she handed me her phone before walking into her bathroom.
i checked her recent calls. the words read"zak".

devil in disguise bill kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now