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"no im sorry angel, we're best friends and bill would quite literally kill both of us and you wont even remember this by tomorrow." "yeah. i dont like bill, hes rude" "yeah, but you dont have a choice" "i do." "yeah what's that?" "shoot myself." she said laughing, "that's so not funny"
"it's kinda funny"

she put some music on and walked over to the window.
she pulled a cigarette box out from a drawer. "empty, empty, empty" she said as she pulled out more boxes.
"here" i handed her one and she smiled. "thanks, quick question."
"yeah?" "do you do drugs?"
"depends which ones"
"molly, some weed" she grinned at me.
"ive never tried them"
"open that drawer"
she pointed to a drawer, when i opened it i saw a bag of little pills and a grinder in the corner.

"give me the bag" i handed her it and she placed a pink pill on her tounge.
"now you" i done the same and we smiled at each other.
"that shit works fast jesus!" we said after it kicked in.
"i know, it's so fun! come with me." she grabbed my hand and we wandered around the hallways to Bill's room. we knocked on the door and then ran away into the kitchen.

"hello?" he said opening the door.
me and her tried to contain our laughs but it was unbearable.
he shut the door and we ran outside.
"did you really cut off zak?"
"when i was younger, i tried and it worked for a year. until a different gang kidnapped me and sold me back to him for meth money"
"so this isnt your first time with a gang" "no. that gang was worse, attitude way. not one of them was nice but atleast they didnt try take my virginity" she laughed.

"im sorry that they chose you. you dont deserve this Angelica"
"it's not your fault and it could be alot worse" "we have a deal in the morning." "what for drugs?"
"no i think it's a person."
"oh?!" "yeah some girl called emiliana." "that's a pretty name"
"yeah. come on let's get you inside"
i picked her up and she sat on my back as we walked to her room.
she fell back on her bed and laughed slightly. "night tom"
"night angel" i walked back to my room and thought about how wrong everything is. he kidnapped Angelica and got katie in a deal like some buy one get one free toy.
now emiliana is coming. shes gonna be so scared, i feel so bad.

i woke up and walked into my bathroom. i was doing my makeup as my phone rang, it was tom.
"hey" "hi get ready were going to get emiliana soon" "okay thanks" i hung up and continued getting ready.

i wore some low rise jeans that i could wear now my wound is healed and black cropped top.
i was finally happy with my body.
for the first time ever.
i checked the time and ran into my room to put my shoes on, as i did i saw a packet of cigarettes with a note on. "hey you needed new ones -tom"
i smiled and put them in my pocket.
i got in the car with everyone else and sat in the front seat as bill drove.
i put headphones in and looked out the window.

we got to the warehouse and i tapped angel on the shoulder.
"come on" she got out the car and followed me inside.
i saw the fragile skinny girl stand across from me in handcuffs."this is emiliana. you can have her, the person we needed killed themselves so here" they said kicking her in the shin. she stumbled forward and walk towards gustav and georg.

the conversation ended and we all stood outside trying to get these handcuffs off. "you all are retarded come here baby" angel said walking to her. "this might hurt a bit okay?"
she fiddled with the lock before lining her teeth up with it and biting down.
the handcuffs separated and angel removed them from her hands.

she got in the car and we all followed.
"who are you?" emiliana said shaking.
"im tom, this is gustav and georg, that is bill and this is katie."
"who's that one?" she said pointing to angel. "that's Angelica. shes wanted for her older brother" "what about katie?" "shes Bill's girlfriend"
"do you have a girlfriend"
"no, but heres some tips with Angelica. dont talk about her family unless you want to end up like katie here. dont mention her brother, zak and do not mess with her drugs they're bad." "okay thank you tom."

we got home and we all jumped out of the car. "angelica?" "yeah?" "what's that scar if you dont mind me asking?" "dont worry it's fine. it's from where tom was trying to shoot my dad but shot me on accident"
"and your still friends with him?"
"yeah theres not alot of people you can trust here. dont trust katie shes a backstabber, makes you trust her and then uses it against you"
"okay thank you"
"no problem." she smiled and walked to her room.

i went into my room and sat at the edge of my bed. i opened the small drawer beside my bed and pulled out some photos of zak and my friends.
there was a knock on my door.
"come in!" i shouted back.
"hey, i just wanted to come for some advice because everyone here is confusing but you" emiliana said from the doorway.

"yeah sit down" she sat down next to me. "start with bill?"
"yeah. hes a weirdo try stay out of his way if he asks you to do something just do it. dont talk to katie just ignore her. Tom's sweet, hes my best friend, he always supports your decisions even if they're stupid. stay close with him. georg and gustav, they're pretty quiet but they're sweethearts.
they care alot so dont do anything to upset them just be kind"
"thanks" "do you smoke or do drugs?"
"i smoke cigarettes yeah but no drugs"
"smart decision." i handed her a cigarette and lit it for her.
"so who were they looking for emiliana?" "my dad racked up loads of drug dept and they took me trying to get him to pay them back but he didnt and they just kicked me and hit me"
"no one is like that here except bill dont piss him off and you will be perfect okay" "yeah thanks angel." i hugged her and she tightly hugged me back.

she left my room and i could here Bill's heavy footsteps.
"angelica" bill shouted "what?!"
"you already got this girl smoking!?"
"yeah cool?" i said locking myself in the bathroom.
i put in the belly ring zak had got me and changed my nose piercing into a heart.

i left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. i saw katie talking to her.
"katie leave her alone." i said staring at her. "you cant just boss me around like that" she tried to swing and me but i ducked it and took out her legs with my arm.

me and emiliana laughed but she didnt. "so your pretty tough huh?"
"guess so. you kinda have to be if you grew up the same way i did"
"how did you grow up"
"neglected and abused my parents, they've came here before actually"
"im gonna go to sleep"
"where are you sleeping?"
"on the couch" "no no go sleep in my room" "are you sure?" "yeah dont worry about it"

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