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i went upstairs and into the bathroom
i started running the shower and stepped under it. the warm water calmed my tensed muscles. It felt so relaxing. i continued to wash my hair and my body and then stepped out.
i brushed my teeth and washed my face. "angel your moms here for you!" tom shouted. i put on a off the shoulder t shirt and some denim shorts and walked downstairs.

i saw my dad standing there along with my ma. he looked me up at down. "you never change do you? still a little fucking slut"
"who the fuck even are you?" tom shouted. "thats my dad. dad this is tom" "im not your dad, my children arent mistakes." "no your right there not because im your child dumb cunt"

"dont speak to me like that bitch!"
he slapped me across the face.
there were sounds of 3 guns with the safety off. "the fuck! put your guns down and get inside all of you!" bill said walking out. tom stayed outside standing next to me. his gun was still up. he cocked it back.
when he did that i moved in front of my dad. he shot a bullet and i felt a sharp cold pain in my side.

"fuck you dad" i said before walking inside leaving a bloody trail behind me. "ANGELICA!" bill shouted.
i heard him running and i sprinted into my room locking myself in the bathroom, he stood outside of the door. "Angelica let me in"
"fuck off please! im fine."
"you got shot!"
"it's just a graze"
"yeah promise"

i lifted up my shirt. revealing a large wound that was dripping blood.
i put pressure on it and the bleeding soon stopped but the pain didnt.
i stepped out of the bathroom and limped over to where my bandages were. i wrapped one around my stomach and walked into the living room.

"angelica! im so sorry i didnt mean to"
"you ment to shoot my dad. i know i know whatever."
"but-" "ive been through this before.
honestly it's just a graze it's fine please"
he hugged me tight. i whinced slightly as he put all his weight on the wound before hugging him back.

i grabbed a beer from the fridge, "dont drink on your meds" bill said.
"i just been shot i can drink if i want"
"you said you didnt get shot"
"whatever shut up"
"everyone's going out tonight. except you can i see your wound"
"you've seen enough of my body thanks. why cant i go?"
"because you just got fucking shot!"
"okay okay whatever"

she put in headphones and started playing music off her phone.
"Angela we're going" tom said looking at her. "hey angela?"
"shes been like that for the past 20 minutes fuck knows what's hapoening" "shes dissiocated again"
"again?" "yeah 5th time today"
"what's wrong with her"
"i think zak says she does it in high stress situations like when she lies or gets shot" "well that's happened today" "i want to dissiocate."
"i know, she looks so peaceful"
"like shes high"
"fuck is she high?!"
"check her eyes"
he walked over to her and lifted her eyelid which looked creepy as fuck because her eyes were yellow
"shes high"
"how the fuck did she get high"
"i dont know bro just let her be we gotta go"

i woke up to the door slamming.
i wanted to make myself look pretty
my ma always said when you look good on the outside it makes you feel good on the inside and it does.

i put on makeup and the dress that i left in Tom's room. i walked in there and looked around. i saw the sleeve of it underneath his bed, i grabbed it but noticed a baby photo of me and carla in a box next to it. i pulled out the box and started looking, there was a few pieces of paper that were covered in words that were all about me.

my date of birth, allergies, ex boyfriends you name it it's in here.
i shove the box backs and put on the dress. as i pulled up the strap i saw a boy in the window of the other mansion next door. he waved at me and i gestured for him to come over.

i put on my heels and fixed my hair a bit before th doorbell rang.
i walked downstairs and it was the boy. "hey you look pretty"
"thank you" "Im james"
"im angelica" "so what did you invite me here for" "Nothing my friends are out and im bored so why not"
"you drink?"
"no sorry"
"you smoke?"
"yeah cigarettes and vapes"
"what's a vape? like a cart?"
"no it's like a cigarette but flavoured and dont have to light it"
"i smoke cigarettes never carts though"
"i brought some booze?"
we drank and danced out hearts away.
until the car pulled up in the garage

"shit shit shit! James come with me!"
we ran up to my room and i put him in my bathroom.
i ran back downstairs and they walked inside.
"hey angel" bill said
"what's wrong with you?"
"nothing im perfect"
"come here"
"im good right here"
"come here." i went over to him and he smelt my breath and then looked in my eyes. "you been drinking?"
"no i just smoked a cigarette"
"hm okay"
katie shouted from the living room.

i ran upstairs and into my room.
james was on my bed.
"get off the under the bed!"
he rolled under the bed as soon as bill opened the door.
"you have been drinking"
"yeah just a bit?"
"just a bit? theres 4 empty big bottles of vodka" "yeah just a bit"
"you alright?" i ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet

"fuck! stop drinking"
"whatever" i said flushing the toilet
"have you and katie been okay lately?" "yeah were fine"
i felt something dripping near my wound and got scared but played it off. "angelica." "bill?"
"your dripping blood"
"goodbye bill"
"what no?! Angelica!"
i shut the door on him.

devil in disguise bill kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now