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i cant fucking believe it. i was so young and already went to prison, got caught up in a gang, doing drugs and things i promised i would never do.
i stood in the bathroom facing the mirror, i had dropped alot of weight as i never ate the sloppy meals i was given during prison. i had an empty stomach, agitated wrists from when they would place cold metal handcuffs on my barely healed scars, and not one will to live.
except emiliana and zak of course.
i wouldn't want her to think dying is the only way to get out of this even if it is and zak couldn't have a dead sister, im dying but even thinking of him crying over me.

i turned the shower and and grabbed a fresh towel. i stripped from my tight clothes and stood underneath the piping hot water. it ran down my body, freeing me from my thoughts.
i smiled, the water pressure and temperature was so much better than the one in prison, and im not being watched by woman with there tits out.

i washed my hair and body before switching off the water and wrapping myself in a towel. i cleared the fog from the mirror and washed my face.
i brushed my teeth and then laced myself with sweatpants and Tom's baggy shirt that had been lying on my floor from before.

i picked up my phone from the bed and called kyle, *Russian* "oh my god, i was so worried about you!" he said.
"im so sorry my phone had broke, and i was caught up with what happened to my friend." "im just glad your okay baby. i need to tell you something"
"what?" "your sister valerie, she uhm"
"she what?!" "a man came to my house and said he was her father and then took her." "WHAT THE FUCK KYLE! YOU DIDNT STOP THEM?!"
"i know your mad baby-"
i hung up, i was shocked. i cant fucking believe him. he let my crazy ex boyfriend take her.

my door swung open and tom stood there. "are you okay i heard screaming?" "yeah sorry kyle called. he let my ex boyfriend take valerie."
"oh shit im so sorry" he said pulling me into a hug.
i pulled out and looked deep into his hazel brown eyes, "ange-" he says but got cut off by me violently kissing his lips. i pulled out quickly, "im so sorry tom" "no it's fine its fine really"
"no it's not im so sorry!"
"dont worry about it, it's fine!"
he said before practically running out of the door and shutting it behind him.

fuck why did i do that. what the fuck is wrong with me?! he was only trying to be nice! i took it the wrong way, i long for someone to be nice to me.
the way bill had been treating me i needed love and not the kind bill was giving me. i layed on my bed drowning myself in my thoughts.

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