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i smiled at his stupid actions and walked into the bathroom.
"why didnt it work. i would of died last night, what's wrong with me why did i stop it!" i thought as i lent against the counter. i brushed my teeth and began washing my face.

the cold soapy water dripped down into the slit on my arm.
"fuck." i mumbled before taking a paper towel and gently wiping it.
as i wiped it more blood came out more than last night. i panicked and wiped away the blood again and again
i fell down onto the floor as
my blood pooled around me.

i woke up and turned around hoping to see Bill's pretty face but he wasnt there. i stood up before walking downstairs, "Katie go wake up Angelica for me" bill said.
i turned around and walked back up the stairs. i knocked on the door. no answer i done it a few more times and there wasnt any answer so i walked in. she wasnt in her room so i nudged the bathroom door open. my sock felt wet and i looked down to see her body drenched in blood.

"BILL!" i shouted
"what?" he said walking in.
"OH SHIT" he said when he saw the amount of blood. i checked her pulse and it was still going. "shes alive."
"will she be alright or do we have to take her to the hospital?"
"she should be alright. im gonna clean her up." the boys walked out and i sat her up on the bathroom counter.

i changed her clothes and started wiping the blood from her face and hands. her eyes fluttered open.
she groaned before jumping down from the counter. "angel stay here" i said as she walked down the stairs.
i followed after her, "shes awake"
"hi" she muttered before going to the fridge and grabbing a water.

she sat on the kitchen floor for a few minutes. "angelica?" "hm"
"come on" tom said slowly picking her up. "no get away from me" she said kicking her legs at him.
"come on then" he put his hand out and she took it before they walked upstairs.

"what's angelica done to tom hes so soft now hes not even fighting with her" "he probably feels bad" Gustav said back. "how do you not feel bad you forced a girl to show you her wrist" "its part of the job Katie"
"katie go upstairs see what they're doing" bill said not even looking away from the tv. hes falling out of love with me, i cant lose this gang he'll shoot me dead.

tom brought me to my room and sat on my bed next to me. i stood up and walked to my drawers before pulling out the plastic bag, i smiled at him.
"bill would kill me if you get high!"
"atleast you would be high when you die" "whatever" i smiled, i took 2 pink pills out of the bag.

i walked to the bed and we locked arms before swallowing the pills.
it kicked in soon after and i started playing music and dancing with tom.
katie walked in, i grabbed her arms and started dancing with her.
we moved our waists to the beat of the music smiling at each other.
"mom?" there was a voice behind me.

i looked down to see my daughter standing in front of me.
"shit." "who's that?" katie said
"no one its fine"
"look baby, how are you here?"
"daddys girlfriend brought me here"
Mark's girlfriend had my daughter.
fuck she knows where i am, "okay come with me" i picked her up and walked to Tom's room.

"darling you cant be here. i dont live with you anymore, i dont have custody do you know what that means?" she shook her head no.
there was a knock on the door.
"hide under the bed. dont come until i say" i whispered to her before she crawled under the bed.

i answered the door, it was bill.
"hey why are you in here?"
"needed time to collect my thoughts music was loud." "okay, katie said she saw a kid in your room calling you mom?" "im 20 how would i have a kid" i laughed he didnt.
"where is it?" "under the bed" i sighed

"come on come out" she crawled from underneath the bed and sat next to me for a minute "why wouldn't you tell me?" "you remember mark?"
"yeah." "his girlfriend dropped her here" "oh shit, what are we gonna do?" "i dont know"
"who's that mommy?" she said looking at him.

"that's bill"
"im your moms boyfriend"
"another one-" she said before i covered her mouth.
bill laughed, "what's your name?" he said to her.
"valerie" "that's a pretty name"
"bill, your going soft for a kid"
"it's cute and plus no one else can see us" "tom will know all about this"
"no he wont!"
"mommy im tired"
"fuck what should i do?"
"she can sleep with me tonight, you need sleep" "okay thanks bill"
i hugged him and his muscular arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe. i pulled out and picked up valerie. "your sleeping with bill tonight is that okay?" i asked her.
"yeah i like him more than mark"
he had a faint smile on his face.

he picked her up and took her to his room putting her into bed before walking me back to my room.
everyone was still dancing to the music, bill took katie to her room and i took tom to his. "go to sleep!"
"nooo" he mumbled.
i shut the door hoping he would sleep soon. my high had faded. i walked to Bill's room and knocked on the door.
"come in" he shouted.
i opened the door to see him shirtless,
my eyes scanned his body for a few seconds before valerie came up to me.

i picked her up and she sat on my waist before falling asleep in my arms. "shes sleeping" i whispered to him. "awh" "your so soft for kids"
he smiled at her when i put her down on his bed.
"watch a movie?" he whispered.
"yeah" we walked down stairs and put on a movie and began watching it.

we started watching a movie and she fell asleep within the first 15 minutes.
i heard small footsteps and turned around to see valerie at the bottom of the stairs. "wheres mommy"
"shes here sleeping"
valerie walked up to her and stared deeply at her. Angel's eyes fluttered open, "jesus valerie i could feel you"
valerie laughed and sat inbetween us.

we all fell asleep after a while and i got woken up by katie shaking me.
"dont wake them up" i said quietly
"come on i need to talk to you" she brought me to the kitchen "you dont love me anymore." "i never loved you"
"i wanna leave" "no your Tom's pet now not mine so act like nothing ever happened between us."
i walked back to the couch and they had woken up.

angel lit a cigarette, "daddy doesn't like you smoking it's bad for you" valerie said to her. "daddys not here anymore. it's just me and you no daddy and that's okay"
"what about bill i like him"
"hes my friend just like everyone else here." "i have friends" "who are your friends" "bill, you and macy from school" "that's so sweet val, did daddys girlfriend leave you with any clothes?" "yeah theres a bag in your room" "okay good."
valerie walked upstairs and angel took some puffs off her cigarette.

"im Valerie's friend now" i said
"what am i supposed to do"
"we can keep her?"
"i dont know bill"
"shes happy here"
"we'll see how it goes yeah?"

i walked upstairs and into my room looking for valerie, she wasnt in there. i checked Bill's she werent there either, i ran down the hall panicking just to see her talking to tom. "who's kid is this?" he said to me.
"promise you wont get mad?"
"promise" "its mine this is valerie"
"no wonder she looks like you"
"yeah" i sighed

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