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tom stood up and walked somewhere else probably to his room, bill sat down next to me where tom previously sat. "what?" i said.
"nothing, we have a gunfight today so be ready angel"
"noooo" i groaned.
"what's wrong with you?"
"nothing. ill get ready" i walked to my room and shoved on a crop top and jeans. i put some light makeup on and then changed my belly peircing and cleaned the rest of them.

i returned back downstairs to the kitchen to see everyone sat there eating. "you hungry Angelica?" gustav said with a mouthful, "no im fine thanks." i walked to a drawer hoping to find antibiotics for my cramps but there wasnt any. "where are the pain killers and shit?" i said.
"we hid them so you can try to kill yourself?" georg laughed.
"i need some?"
"you can have one-" bill said but got interrupted by me. "two."
"one your having one" he walked to his room and came out a few seconds later with a singular pill.

i took it with some water and then put my shoes on, "you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach, angel" gustav said as we all walked outside.
i ignored him and then jumped in the back of the car with emiliana and Katie, soon falling asleep on emilianas shoulder.

we got to the warehouse we usually have gunfights, emiliana shook angel awake as i opened my car door and then theirs. she groaned before jumping out. we walked inside, my hand was placed on her hip and she just walked with me. she looked so lost, she was so young i took her life away.

after a few minutes the rest of the gang got to the warehouse and then the other gang arrived.
"who's this girl? another whore?"
the leader ben, chuckled.
I looked at her and she didnt even care about what he had just called her.
"let's just get to the deal ben." I said firmly, "yeah. you got our shit?"
i nodded and they walked towards us.

i opened a duffel bag that had been previously placed on the cold floor.
it had 2 bags full of meth that zak had given us, ben and another man held it in there hands before handing me a few thousand dollars for it.
he turned to leave but then they both dropped the bag on the floor and turned around with guns pointed at mine and Angel's heads.

the others put they're guns up. "put the weapons down!" around 15 police officers stood at the other side of the hall, i looked at tom and we made eye contact before running to the car along with georg and gustav.

all of the girls were being held back, "BILL!" i heard angel shriek from inside. i got in the car and sped away down the road taking every turn to get away from them.

bill, tom, georg and gustav all ran away from the scene, leaving me emiliana and katie alone in a warehouse getting handcuffed.
the cuffs clicked behind me and i began getting pulled and pushed to the police car. "it's okay dont worry emi" i said as i got pushed into the police car and her into another.

she smiled and the doors slammed on the cars. the other police cars around 6 out of the 9 sped after the others who were most probably halfway to another state by now. leaving me and the girls to take the fall for their mistakes.

we got to the police station after around 30 minutes and i got dragged inside. the girls no where to be seen, "please i didn't do anything it's a mistake!" i pleaded as i got brought into a room with 4 chairs.

me and the officer sat down and then 2 other men in suits came and sat in the other chairs. "your being charged with drug possession aswell as drug use." the man said handing me a peice of paper for me to fill out.

"no please this is a huge misunderstanding! i didnt do anything!" i pleaded once again.
"its not up for discussion. sign your first, middle and last name here, and Mr Healy will direct you to a room for your mugshot." he said pointing to a line on the sheet of paper.

i nodded and signed my name as a tear fell down on the thin paper.
he took it from my hands and the officer took me to a room.
it was a simple white wall and a camera. i looked forward at the camera as the light flickered and then once more with me turned to the side.

my cuffs loosened slightly but still remained on my wrists that were still sensitive from when i tried to take my life before. "walk forward." he stated.
i got brought into a concrete room with a female officer and some simple white clothes. "please strip your clothes" she said as the door shut behind me. i removed my small top and then my jeans, and underwear.
(no more period i cba w it) my bra fell to the ground, she took a flashlight out, "open your mouth and tounge up" she gave me directions and i followed them. she handed me the clothes and i got dressed into them.

they handed me a cup and then directed me to the bathroom. i peed in it and then handed it back to the woman. tears fell down my cheek and i started getting pushed into a large room with tables and small bunks around it. "your in cell C03" the officer said. i nodded my head and walked to my cell, there was a woman with long black hair. probably Latina, "hey I'm maritza diaz, you?"
"angelica Lee." i stuttered out,
"it's okay dont be nervous. just keep on the good side of everyone and dont take peoples things you know"
"thank you maritza" i smiled before putting the things they had given me on the top bunk. it was just a toothbrush, some bodywash and shampoo n conditioner.

it's now been eight days since they got arrested. our plan was to leave them but I couldn't leave angel or emiliana.
they were too young but katie was old now and not exciting.
"where are we going?" tom said as him, gustav and georg got into the car.
"we need to get the girls"
"no we dont we have to leave them!"
"they know to much. our name, our house, address, phone number and shit like that"
he went silent and i just started the car and began driving to the prison. emiliana had called me to tell me where to go and what was happening.

so far angel has a nice bunkie but she does drugs, apparently angel done some and now wont stop.
i parked the car outside the prison and then walked inside, the others trailing behind. "can i help you?" a skinny woman said from behind me the counter. "yeah i need to bail out 3 girls" "they are?" "Angelica Lee, Emiliana Key and Katie williams."
"they're set bail is 1500 combined.
would you like to pay separately?"
"no. cash please"
"okay sign your name here" she handed me a sheet of paper and i signed it, "ID or form of identity"
i handed her my credit card and she read it before handing it back.

"we'll go get them. it may take an hour or 2 depending on how they are, are you willing to wait?"
"yeah." "okay return to your car and a police officer will come and get you"
"okay" i handed her the 1500 dollars and then walked back to the car with them.

i layed down on my bed. my head was spinning, i took 3 oxys because they would never check at this time.
it was too late for count and too early for inspection. i smiled as the ceiling started spinning.

"LEE, ANGELICA?" a voice shouted.
"yeah?" I shouted back.
"your bail has been met let's go!"
"okay." I said as i shoved myself out of bed. "bye maritza you have been the best bunkie thank you." I said hugging her. she hugged me back and i started walking towards a police officer who stood at the doorway to the office.

handcuffs clicked around me and he brought me to the office, i saw their car outside. bill sitting in the drivers seat, as much as i missed him i didnt want to go back! they handed me my clothes back and then searched me.
i got changed and then walked back into the office. emiliana and katie sat on a bench across near the door.

i smiled at them, "arms" said am officer behind me with handcuffs in his clutch. they clicked on my wrist once again and then they brought me and the girls out to the car.
bill smirked at me, i looked away and then my handcuffs came off.
me and the girls got into the car, "miss me?" bill said to me. "no, not at all actually" "you must be on drugs because everyone misses me"
he said sarcastically.
"im not on drugs. shut the fuck up!" i said to him.
"holy shit your on prison drugs?"
"no." I mumbled.

i soon fell asleep but got shook awake by Bill's disgusting hands.
i went inside the house and hugged emiliana. "i missed you emi"
"i missed you too angel" she smiled.
katie went to hug me but i pushed her away. "what the fuck?!" She said.
"you tried to jump maritza."
"so?" "she was my bunkie you dumb bitch" "dont call me that" she said getting up in my face.
i pushed her to the floor and spat on her before walking to my room.

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