Chapter 1

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The night of Daehyuns and Kaius' wedding.

"Wow just look, it's like a movie set for a fairytale!" Atlas beamed with joy. His eyes shined with wonder. I didn't see why he was so impressed with the mansion's garden, it's just a garden, with a large pond, fully bloomed cherry blossom trees, a bridge over the pond, and other basic things a would garden have.

Kaius' family put a lot into their garden. It was like an enchanted forest, with all kinds of flowers and trees. A few statues and some water fountains. The garden went on and on. It was like there wasn't an end.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful" He turned and smiled at me. It didn't occur to me that Atlas grew up differently than I did. The Ruiz' mansion and garden, was another place I spent the holidays. I was used to it.

I stared into his eyes. I grew flustered and quickly looked away. I leaned against the bridge's railing, looking down at the water and lily pads. The stars and moon's reflection shined bright against the surface of the water. Atlas moved beside me.

I glanced in his direction. He was looking at the koi fish swimming below. The moon's light bounce off his flawless skin. He looked— pretty.

"Why are you staring?" Atlas smiled at me. I quickly looked away "I wasn't staring"

"You so were! Did you think I looked pretty?" He asked. Spot on.

I turned my head away from him "Not at all". "Aw really?" Atlas moved into my line of sight, "I thought you looked pretty too"

I remained quiet. My cheek began to grow pink from his complement.

Atlas giggled before turning to look at the water. He leaned into me. My eyes widen as alarms in my head went off. I was terrified, what do I do?

My heart began pounding.

"Doyun?" Atlas spoke in a soft tone. "Yeah?" I muttered.

"One day, we'll get married and live happily" Atlas looked at me to see my reaction. Everything in my body froze, I felt as if I was about to break down, my body and mind couldn't function.

Of course, Atlas was joking. He's said that to me many times before then laughed. It hurt. Because he didn't know how I truly felt for him.

Atlas began to laugh "You're not going to react?" He asked "You always get flustered and walk away. Why aren't you? Unless you like the idea?" He teased "It's okay if you do, I like it too"

I did. But we were kids. Young and stupid, there is no way we'd grow up and still be by each other's side. My feeling for him will fade. All first loves never last.

At least that's what I thought at first.

5 years later

"Doyun! Wakey wakey!" A weight planted itself on my crotch.

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see Atlas, hovered over me. His hands were on my chest. I stared at him with no reaction. This was normal, Atlas always sat on me while waking me up, and every time my heart and body goes wild.

A little too wild.

I thought I would grow out of this little crush. But it only grew larger. "Atlas we've talked about this. Stop sitting on me" I muttered, looking away from him. This time he wore his underwear and a shirt that hung low showing his chest. I could see his nipples if I looked. It's almost as if he was doing this on purpose.

Atlas laughed as he shuffled his lower half against me "Oh C'mon, it's harmless".

My eyes widen, he was rubbing against me. I can't take it! "Seriously get off" I shoved him off. I got out of bed walking to the bathroom "No more coming into my room without my permission"

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