Chapter 19

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"Ladies and gentlemen, give some space" Damian pushed through the crowd "We should talk" he whispered once he was next to me. He placed his hand on my lower back, nudging me forward to my car.

"Damian! You can't just leave like that!" Damian's manager struggled to get through.

"I'm catching a ride with Doyun." He didn't explain himself. He opened the back door, allowing me to enter first.

I glanced at him as I climbed in "You know the rumors will get worse if you get in" I muttered.

"I know" Damian moved into the car closing the door. My security team blocked reporters from getting any closer to the car.

I stared at my fingers as the car began moving. It was silent. Neither one of us peeped a word. At least not right away. A minute or two passed before I opened my mouth to speak.

"Damian, I shouldn't—." I began.

"Did you say leading words on purpose? Was it to get his reaction?" Damian glanced at me. His eyes weren't cold but they were gentle.

"Yeah. I thought I'd be able to talk to him by now. Ugh, things are difficult now! Now that his childhood friend returned. He's currently staying with us, with Atlas. It sucks because I feel as if I'm being replaced as his best friend— not to mention they've dated before. They were each others 'first' whatever that means" I blurted out words. I couldn't refrain from sharing, words just kept spilling out. It felt as if all my emotions and frustration were coming out as well.

"I can't help but feel insecure by his friend. It fucking sucks. Even tonight, Atlas was supposed to be here but I'm sure he was with him!" I rubbed my eyes preventing them from watering.

"Ah, I see. You're jealous and you want to make him jealous. There's no doubt that rumors are going to start. I'm sure things will be released soon" Damian sighed "If you wanted my help you could've just asked me. I would've gladly taken care of you" he leaned in, he placed his hand on my thigh.

I looked at him "You'll help me?" I asked. "Why not this'll be fun for me" Damian smirked, "just like before—."

"Could you seduce his friend? He's gay I'm assuming or— he somewhat likes guys— I don't know if he's into alphas... well... he did flirt with me, so maybe" I didn't pay his hand any attention nor the real meaning of his words.

Damian stared with a confused look. His face dropped as he moved his hand "What will I get in return?" He asked.

I thought for a minute.

My phone began buzzing. Was it Atlas? Did he see what I said? Were articles out already?

I glanced at my phone, revealing the call to be from my father. My face dropped as I canceled the call. I knew he'd only chew me out.

My father called again.

Might as well get it over with... I answered. "Hello..."

"What the fuck Doyun! Why would you say a leading response like that! Everyone will think you're gay! And what's with the boy's love film? I already picked out your next film, why didn't you clearly deny being in one?!" Father bombarded me with questions. My parents don't know that I am gay, they had a whole life crisis when they found out my brother and sister have same-sex lovers— especially my dad.

"I can't with you. You're being immature, do I have to watch your every move so you don't fuck up your future? Seriously Doyun! This is— I'm disappointed. You know better. People are going to spread weird things about you! Did you think about your career? How this might affect it? What about me? You're my perfect prodigy, you can't embarrass me like this! Damnit Doyun—." My father finally took a breath "I'll send out articles to clear everything up. This isn't like you. You're better than this."

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