Chapter 4

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"Yeah, it's basically a sex club, that's why I suggested you do the bar instead" Jalen gave an awkward smile "If you're uncomfortable we can leave, don't feel pressured to stay. There will also be people you've costarred with here, some you like and some you hate... so if you don't want them to see you, we might as well leave"

"that can't be helped... I'll just ignore them... Heh, um but yeah I came to meet someone so let's stay" I muttered.

"And to get laid!" Jalen nodded "There are rooms you can go to if you like privacy. You know the levels we passed, each level has rooms with different things. The first level is for the vanilla lovers, while the lower you go, the more extreme the sex is, like hardcore BDSM" he stated "I never go past the third floor, which is roleplaying"

"I see" There are others with the same sexual desires as me. My cheeks grew a faint pink.

"Doyun. I think there's a problem." Jalen pulled me behind a large tropical plant. "What is it?" I was confused.

"Look" Jalen pointed to two men.

My eyes widen with shock. What is he doing here? "He can't see me here!" I whispered.

"Er," Jalen looked at me.

"How did he get in? You said this was celebrities only!" I began to panic. If he sees me, he'll be disgusted. He'll hate me, he'll leave me!

"Celebrities and a few exceptions" Jalen corrected "Wait. If he's here that means he looking for sex too, right?"

I looked back at Atlas. My mind was clouded with worry about him seeing me that I didn't think about the fact of why he was here. I looked at the man beside him. It was the guy from before, his friend that dropped him off the other night "How'd they get in?"

"I know that guy. He's the club's owner's son. He's a regular. He has a picky taste in who he goes to a room with so I've never tried to approach him" Jalen stated.

"They're here together..." I frowned. I couldn't help but feel jealous. Was that Atlas' type? He's definitely an alpha, he's huge. Bigger than me. Probably more dominant... someone perfect for Atlas.

I watched their interaction with each other, it seemed as if they were just friends but I couldn't help but believe other things "Have you seen Atlas here before?"

"No. But at the same time I haven't come in a while, because of work" Jalen sighed "Maybe this isn't his first time here. I mean, he looks comfortable and relaxed. Like he fits in"

The two moved towards the pool, taking a seat. My view became blocked, so I shifted to where I can see them again.

Atlas was looking at the different people hanging around the pool. Was he looking for someone to hang out with? Or to have—.

I don't want him to do it with anyone else. I stood up abruptly as if I was about to approach them. I was confident for a second, but when Atlas turned his head in our direction, I quickly hid.

"Did he see me?" I whispered as I refused to look at him. What if he saw me? I'm screwed.

"I'm not too sure, but I think he knows that he's being watched" Jalen muttered, "if you don't want him to see you, we gotta go!"

"R-right. Let's leave!" I nodded. I peeked back at Atlas. He was still looking in our direction "he's still looking... if I leave he'll see me for sure. What do we do?" I looked at Jalen with worry.

Jalen hesitated momentarily "I guess I can go distract them" he smiled "Wait wouldn't he recognize me?"

"Actually, no. He doesn't recognize people he doesn't show interest in" I nodded. That could work and when his attention is on Jalen. I'll make my escape.

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