Chapter 18

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After speaking with Kaeo, I felt uneasy. He practically told me he wanted to get back with Atlas, right?

I wanted to leave but was scared that Kaeo would make a move. I still haven't defined what Atlas and I were.

I would've felt more at ease if I knew.

Watching them interact only made my insecurities grow. Just like Kaeo said 'there's nothing special about me'. Did Atlas feel that way? Which is why we haven't addressed the other night or done anything.

"Well, it's getting late. My application to move into the dorms won't be accepted until next semester, so I need to find a place" Kaeo stretched as he began to stand.

Finally, he was leaving!

"You don't have anywhere to stay?" Atlas spoke with concern "Stay with us, we have our own place"

My eyes widened as I looked at Atlas. No!

"You guys live together?" Kaeo raised a brow as he glanced at me.

"We do!" Atlas smiled brightly.

"Our guest room is filled with storage..." I reminded Atlas, hoping he'd give up "and I'm sure sleeping on the couch for a long time would hurt his back"

Kaeo smirked.

"Oh, that's true. Then sleep in my room" Atlas offered.

My mouth dropped open. No! He can't! I wasn't sure what to say to refuse. I didn't want to look like an ass to someone who needed a place to stay. It was Atlas' childhood friend, of course, he'd offer, nothing more to it. Right?

They did date back then. They were each other's first. I reminded myself.

"You're too kind, but I couldn't oppose" Kaeo spoke. I sighed with relief. "At least without Doyuns permission" he continued speaking.


Kaeo's eyes were again piercing me. Atlas looked at me with big puppy eyes, begging me to agree.

I would look like a jerk.

"S-sure. I don't mind" I found it hard to say those words.

"Oh, that's amazing! Thank you!" Kaeo warmly smiled "I really appreciate it. It'll only be for a couple of weeks, until next semester" he grabbed my hand. I stared into his eyes, I felt as if he was trying to reach my deepest secrets.

Atlas clapped his hands with excitement "It's as if we're having a sleepover, just like the old days!"

I need to clear out the guest bedroom quickly. I didn't want them alone behind closed doors. It was not that I didn't trust Atlas, it was his freakishly attractive friend.

"This is our home!" Atlas opened the door wide. He carried a few bags of Kaeo's stuff.

"Woah I've never been in a home this big!" Kaeo was impressed "This is what it's like living with a celebrity"

"You should see Doyuns family home. Oh, you know the dominant alpha family?" Atlas asked.

"Of course, they're plastered everywhere!" Kaeo nodded.

Atlas puffed out his chest "I got to attend the Ruiz's youngest son's wedding with Doyun's brother, on their private island" he smirked "I'm amongst the rich people" he giggled.

"Really?! That's so cool! You're lucky!!" Kaeo sighed "I was stuck in Hawaii while you were living it up"

"Hawaii is a beautiful place" Atlas nudged him "but of course it didn't have me. I wonder how you survived" he joked.

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