Chapter 14 18+

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"What are you doing?"

I froze as my heart began pounding loudly. This can't be happening. Please don't let it be... I flipped over, looking at Atlas with wide eyes.

He stood at the bathroom entrance, his hair wet and a towel around his waist. With clothes on Atlas always appeared slim and skinny, but under his clothes— he was leaner with muscle.

Water drops slid down his chest. I felt dry in the mouth. I couldn't speak or swallow.

I was tariffed with what he'd say. Fuck!

Why is he here?! I thought it was Damian in the shower!

"It's not what it looks like!" I could feel my body begin to shake in fear of what he thought. He's going to hate me! My secret is out! My mind and heart raced.

"It's exactly what it looks like. What a pervert. Thinking of me, while touching yourself. What a naughty boy. Say, do you always get off at the thought of me? Do you satisfy yourself with a toy, while moaning my name? Who would've thought that an alpha would want to become an omegas bottom." Atlas stepped closer with every word that came out of his mouth.

I backed against the headframe of the bed. Everything he said was true. I was caught in the act and couldn't deny it. What do I do? What do I say?

"Why do you look so scared? Are you feeling ashamed that I found out?" Atlas began moving on the edge of the bed, crawling closer to me. He kept his eyes locked with mine. This eye contact was driving me crazy, I wanted to look away but I didn't dare to do so.

"I'm sorry I w-ont do it again" I muttered "I'll leave-." I attempted to move past him. Atlas grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the bed.

"Why leave? Don't you want me to fuck you?" Atlas whispered in my ear. I couldn't understand what was going through his mind. He's messing with me again, isn't he? He clearly knows how I feel, is he going to use this against me? But... it isn't like Atlas to blackmail anyone.

Then why? Why is he always playing with my heart?!

My eyes began to water with frustration "Why do you always do shit like this!" I snapped.

Atlas raised a brow with confusion. How can he act like he doesn't know what he's doing?!

"Jackass! You know how I feel and you always take advantage of that fact! You play with my heart every time! You make me believe I have a chance only to crush it!" I felt overwhelmed by emotion "Just fucking laugh in my face instead of playing me! I rather you do that" I tried not to cry. Slowly, tear by tear began rolling down my cheeks.

Atlas loosened his grip on my wrist "You still don't get it" he sighed. He sat up over me "You're so dense and oblivious. What do I have to do to make you understand? Huh?" He spoke with irritation.

What is he getting at?

Atlas frowned as he pulled the towel off. What is he doing?!

My eyes instantly went to his cock. Holy?! He's big for an omega!

A sweet smell began to be released from him "If I have to stoop low and make you understand this way then I will" he began releasing a strong wave of his pheromones "I'm going to give you want you've always wanted, so don't convince yourself of false shit. I'm not playing you and I'm not drunk. I simply want you" he scoffed.

I've smelt his pheromones before, once in high school. Ever since then, I've always longed for his seductive pheromones again.

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