Chapter 6

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What did I do?! There's no way I can face Damian or Atlas.

I'm ruined. Why did I let myself do those things with Damian?! I'm an awful person, using him for my fantasy. I can't believe I did those things with him while thinking about atlas! I'm such a pervert.

Geez, what did I expect...?

I couldn't help but beat myself up over it.

I still worried about if Atlas knew it was me or not. I mean, he hasn't mentioned anything about it. I guess it's safe to say I'm in the clear. Although, I wanted to know why he was there. Did he meet someone?

"Doyun! Are you going to hide in here all day?! Get your ass up! This is the last scene! Everyone is waiting!" Jalen kicked open the door to my dressing room.

I was curled up on the couch regretting my life choices "...I'm coming"

"What's with the face? You look dead" Jalen sighed "Did Atlas keep you up again?"

"No, I just had a lot on my mind last night, so I didn't get much sleep" I awkwardly laughed "I think I made a mistake... I did what you said and choose to let loose and stuff... I somewhat hooked up with someone"

"Ah! Really?!" Jalen clapped his hands "I'm glad you met someone"

"We didn't go all the way. But we did enough... and it's someone we know" I awkwardly looked away "I'm scared to face them"

"Doyun... did you— and atlas??" His eyes widen as a small smile came onto his face. What's the smile for?! Of course not!

"No! It wasn't with Atlas. It was Damian" I mumbled his name as my face got red.

"What? Who was it?" Jalen moved closer to hear.

"It was Damian!" I shouted before covering my mouth.

Jalen's jaw dropped "him?! Of all people!"

"I know! I messed up! And I have to face him today!" I sighed "I'm just hoping he doesn't bring it up"

"No one saw you guys right?" Jalen frowned as I shook my head, "goodness. How did that happen? You know what, tell me later... we gotta start filming"

I stared at my fingers "Okay."

"If that ass tries anything or tries to blackmail you. Let me know" Jalen narrowed his eyes "I'll take care of him. Collect yourself and come out" he left.

I gave a slight smile. If he does try anything, Jalen will take care of it. Yeah. Everything will be fine.

I took a few deep breaths, to calm my anxious heart.

I heard a light knock on the door "Come in" I stood up.

"Doyun" Damian stood at the entrance "It's been a minute, did you miss me?"

I avoided looking at him "Of course not. You could've taken more days off". "What? And delay the shoot, tsk I'm good"

I frowned "You're blocking the way. We're about to start" I scoffed, I avoided making eye contact "Move"

I wanted to leave as fast as I could. Being in the same room with him alone scared me... what would he say? What is he thinking?!

"You could be a little nicer" Damian looked down at me "How's your body? Even though we didn't go all the way, I'm sure you're still aching somewhere, mmm like your nipples, are they swollen—."

I covered Damian's mouth "Don't say those things!" I hushed him.

Damian eyes softened as he kissed my hand, to which I moved my hand away "Why not? Your reaction is amusing, I would've started doing this if I knew these things would get under your skin"

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