Chapter 24 18+

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"Ngha~M~aster! When can I cum? I~I'm at my limit! I can't! Hold it anymore!" My dick throbbed and itched "Please let me cum!"

I wanted to touch myself but my arms were tied together behind my back. The position they were in made them hurt. A rope was tightly wrapped around my body. There were clips pinching my nipples. A dildo pushed multiple vibrating eggs deeper into me.

My body trembled with this wonderful sensation.

"Aww, you're so cute when you beg" Atlas widely smirked as he drew his face closer to mine. I couldn't see his expression, I was blindfolded. I felt his warm lips hover just above mine.

Atlas pushed my legs wide open. His finger slid down from my knee to my inner high. I shivered at his touch. I bit my tongue, holding back my moans as his finger slid up my dick to the tip. He slowly lifted the penis plug "Why are you so quiet now? Didn't you wanna cum? If you keep begging I might just let you" his voice was seductive. He was edging me.

He pulled the plug out more before pushing it back in.

"Aahhh!! Please! Master~ please!"

"That's not enough I don't think you want to cum" Atlas pulled the clips that pinch my nipples.

"NGHA!" My back arched upward "Atlas~"

He slapped me across the face "You don't call me that" his voice was demanding.

My cheek stung.

"Master ~ will you let me cum please~ Please~ Ngha~~ ahhh~cum!" I begged.

Atlas began to stroke my dick "That's more like it" he chuckled. I continued begging as I felt myself continue to build up. He pulled the plus out. I couldn't hold back any longer.

Atlas wiped my body down with a wet towel. Marks from the rope were left. My nipples were swollen and red "Are you feeling alright?" He gently caressed my thighs.

I watched with a satisfied smile "Yeah. I enjoyed myself"

Atlas looked pure and innocent in the white robe he wore.

"I love how you're legs look after our playtimes. The rope marks make them look sexy" his lips moved around my thigh "Maybe we should do more bondage. There's so much we haven't tried and I can't wait to make you cry. You're such a pretty crier"

My cheek began to grow red as I got to thinking. There was something I've been wanting to try but have been too nervous to ask.

"You're not telling me something. What's on your mind?" Atlas questioned.

"Well um... Do you think we can do what we did with Kaeo?" My heart was racing. It wasn't a bizarre request, just a simple one.

Atlas immediately frowned "Are you suggesting we have a threesome again?" He didn't sound too thrilled. He stopped wiping my legs.

"Ah no not that" I shook my head.

"Then what?" Atlas raised a brow "Ahh I see you want me to fill you up more often. Is my dick not enough that you need two?" He smirked.

"Not that!"

"What is it then?"

I glanced away "Can um~ do what you did before" I didn't understand why it was so hard to tell him what I wanted. For some reason, I felt embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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