Chapter 7

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"Man we're finally done with shooting" I leaned back in my seat.

Jalen glanced at me using the review mirror "It is" he nodded "You have two days off, until the photoshoots and interviews for the show start. As well as you should start looking over the new scripts and pick which film you'd like to be in. You've been on the rise lately, many directors want you in their films" he smiled.

I groaned "right"

I wasn't too thrilled to pick another film. I didn't care if I was decent, this wasn't something I enjoyed. I don't like people knowing me. I wanted to live a simple life with Atlas.

Maybe I should look into retirement. As if, my parents would kill me.

It was hard enough convincing them to let me control what films I do— let alone letting me live with Atlas.

They were against it because they thought he was munching off of me, using me, manipulating me for money. Of course, Atlas is far from that.

He's the only one that became my friend because he genuinely liked me. He didn't care for my social class. He was a fan of my films, and he still is, but he never allowed the movie star image to change the way he acted around me.

That's why I fell for him.

"What are you smiling about?" Jalen asked.

I didn't realize it but thinking of Atlas made me smile.

"Nothing... could you speed up?" I asked. I suddenly felt excited to get home. I want to see him. I miss him.

It was late at night. I wasn't sure if Atlas waited up for me. He's probably asleep.

"Someones excited to go home. Is it because of Atlas?" Jalen smirked.

"No it's not." I mumbled.

"Okay sure. Now for your days off, no work. Don't look at a script, don't think about a script. Nothing. It's your day to yourself" Jalen stated "Why not do something with Atlas, I'm sure he's been waiting for you to be free"

I stared out the window "he's probably busy with school or work" I wonder if he has time. I'm not sure what but we could do something fun together.

Once again a smile came onto my face.

After Jalen dropped me off at home. I began taking my things to my room. I came to a stop once I noticed Atlas on the couch sleeping. He must've fallen asleep waiting for me.

A soft smile came onto my face.

The tv was playing one of my older movies, one that I starred in around the time I met him.

I quickly took my things to my room, trying to stay quiet. The shuffling noise of bags rubbing together were filling the house.

"Why is everything louder at night" I whispered to myself as I moved slower so as not to move the bags around.

I dropped my things as soon as I entered my room. I let out deep breaths, all I did was carry bags upstairs. I should work on my stamina.

I felt icky and gross. It has been a long day and I've been waiting to shower. I began undressing myself as I entered the bathroom.

"Doyun?" My door opened. I hadn't noticed Atlas coming into my room. I was thinking of how I should spend my days off. I walked back out of the bathroom, with a towel in my hands.

I hadn't yet put it around myself to cover my naked body. My eyes widen as I quickly covered myself and turned away from Atlas. I didn't just cover my lower half but some of my back and chest. There were still faint marks that Damian had left.

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