Chapter 17

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I awkwardly sat on the edge of Atlas' bed, trying to gather my thoughts. Why was I so nervous? It's not a big deal. It's not.

Just a simple question about the other night. Nothing too serious...

"You look stiff, relax. It isn't the first time you've been over" Atlas glanced at me as he walked over.

"I'm stiff? Heh, I feel very relaxed right now" I forced a smile. My heart began racing with every step he took closer. It was as if my body was expecting something to happen.

"If you say so" Atlas laughed "Anywho what brings you over?" He laid on his bed spreading out.

I watched as Atlas got comfortable. He placed his arms behind his head as he stared back at me "Lay next to me" he patted beside him before returning his hand under his head.

We used to lay together looking at his ceiling as we talked. Most of the time we'd pretend that we saw clouds.

I slowly moved towards him "So I was just wondering about something" I laid on my side facing him.

He turned his head to look at me "About what?" He then turned his body completely.

We locked eyes as we lay in silence. I found it hard to say what I wanted to say.

"About..." I looked away from him "I don't want you to feel pressured or anything... but what are—."

"Atlas!" I was interrupted by Margaret calling his name.

Atlas sighed as he sat up "Yeah?!" He called. There was no response "Yes! Helllooo! Hello?! Marg!" He frowned.

It took a few seconds before Margaret responded "Come down. Someone is here to see you!"

I slowly sat up as she spoke. Who could it be?

"Well, aren't I popular today" Atlas released a long annoyed sigh "Sorry just wait a sec, then you can tell me" he smiled as he got up.

I would say I was disappointed that we were interrupted, although it gave me a chance to breathe. It felt like I was confessing.

Technically I am? Right?

I watched him leave the room, his door was left wide open. I could hear his heavy steps clacking down the stairs.

I released a long breath to calm my nerves. I laid flat on my back. His smell surrounded me, it was nice.

How do I explain his scent? It was a floral sweet smell. It reminded me of something that you'd want to eat but shouldn't.

My attention went to the sudden noise coming from downstairs. There was an unfamiliar voice, speaking in an excited tone, followed by Altas' astatic tone and cheers of excitement.

Curiosity began to take over my mind. Who was it? Was it someone I knew?

I didn't hesitate to get up. I left his room, heading down the stairs slowly as if I was sneaking around and didn't want to be caught.

The front door came into view and a tall male, around Atlas' height, was holding onto Atlas. Atlas embraced him back.

He had a lean body structure. His skin was tan. Across his cheeks and nose were light freckles a shade darker than his skin tone. He had a mullet haircut. His front hairs were pushed back by a hair band. He could be a model.

"It's been forever since I've last seen you!" Atlas' smile was bigger than I'd ever seen. "Oh, we are so happy you are back!" Margaret clapped her hands with joy "Oh a picture I should take a photo, I'll get my phone!" She scattered around looking for her phone. She's definitely a mom.

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