Chapter 11

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"I envy you and Doyun, you guys were so natural during the shoot. I feel I'm always on the stiff side" words were being exchanged.

Atlas covered my mouth with his free hand. Quiet moans continued to slip through his fingers, it was hard to hold back... especially with Atlas touching me.

My whole body was burning up. My dick was twitching and my ass was tingling.

Atlas was taking this too far. Did he think this was funny?

His hand stroked my dick. His finger pressed into the tip, sending shivers all over my body.

"Is it just me, or are the two of you getting along more?"

Atlas stopped momentarily, it was obvious he was listing to the conversation behind the door.

I squeeze my legs around his arm. This touch was driving me insane. I needed more, but I couldn't allow this to continue.

Atlas doesn't understand what he's doing to me and in the end, this is only a joke to him.

"We have" Damian's feet stop in front of our stall. I stare at his feet with a worried expression. Does he know we're in here?!

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Because he's adorable" Damian's feet turned from the stall "When you get to see his expressions and the way he reacts, you'll find him adorable and amusing."

"It almost sounds like you like him" the voice awkwardly laughed.

"I do. Very much" Damian's voice began to fade, they were finally leaving "maybe more than a friend. . ." His voice came to a stop as the heavy door to the bathroom closed.

What the hell is Damian saying?! Was he saying that on purpose? Is he trying to cause rumors?

I removed Atlas' hand from my mouth "Atlas... they're gone, you can let me go~~ Wha! What are you d~doing" I was taken back by Atlas' sudden action.

Atlas pushed my legs open. He began sucking on my tip.

"Don't do~ ahh~ that!" I grabbed his face to stop him.

Atlas stared at me with dark eyes "Do you like him too?" He asked.


"Why are you even asking something like that?! Are you crazy of course I don~"

Atlas narrowed his eyes, he grabbed my wrists squeezing tightly as he pushed his head down, sucking me off.

"A~tlas!" My face and ears burned red. His mouth felt good. Why is he good at this?

Atlas' demeanor felt different. He seems irritated. Why?

I tried to free my arms from his grip, but couldn't. Why is he so strong?! My wrist vegan hurting because of his grip.

It felt arousing. I wanted to give in to this feeling.

"S~top! We shouldn't be doing this!" I kicked him off. My eyes widen as Atlas fell back against the stall door. I didn't mean to...

I was breathing heavily. I quickly stood up and fixed my pants.

Atlas didn't say a word, he didn't look at me. He remained still.

Did I push him too hard? Is he hurt?

I reached for Atlas to help him up "Atlas... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you... I was just—."

He slapped my hand away and stood himself. He didn't look at me once and walked out.

He's mad at me?!

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