Chapter 9

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"Doyun! We finally get alone time" Atlas laid down on the couch next to me. He placed his head on my lap as he stretched.

I looked at him "Where's your shirt?"

"We're in the house, it's fine" Atlas snuggled his face into my stomach.

"It's not. We have—." I paused once Atlas lifted my shirt. I could feel his breath against my skin "What are you doing?!" My face burned red.

Atlas' lips brushed over my lower abdomen. What is he doing?!

I grabbed his face, to make him stop "Atlas stop! You can't do that"

"Why not? Friends do things like that all the time" Atlas frowned "cmon let's have some fun" he smiled.

Is he nuts? What is going through his brain?

"Who told you that?" I moved away from him. I fixed my shirt in the process. My heart was pounding and my face was flustered.

"My friend. You know the tall one? He brought me home the other night. His name is Koji. He's cool, you'll like him" Atlas innocently smiled "he does a lot with his friends"

Does Atlas do things with him? What's their relationship like? Was that the reason they were at the VIP club together?

"Well, you can't just do that..." I muttered.

"Why not? We both like each other a lot. We're best friends" Atlas' eyes remained on me. He sounded innocent but his eyes weren't.

"Because! You'll give me the wrong idea" I mumbled.

Atlas moved closer "What if I want you to get the wrong idea?" We were face-to-face. His eyes wouldn't look away from mine.

What does he mean by that?

I opened my mouth to ask him more but the doorbell was rung.

"Who's here?" Atlas backed away.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, but I agreed to babysit" I awkwardly smiled "Ruben and Elisa... and the twins"

Atlas sighed "I work with them all day" he whined as he got up.

"Put a shirt on" I called to him as he went upstairs.

The bell rang again.

I got up to answer. "Hey," I looked at Kaius. He held Elisa in his hands, and in from of him stood Ruben and the twins.

"Hey, thanks for doing this" Kaius handed over his daughter and bags "Everything you need is in those bags, thanks" he was quick to leave.

Ruben and the twins ran inside laughing. Easy peasy. This won't be too bad.

I started to grab the bags while holding Elisa. It was difficult but I managed. It was when I closed the door things got wild.

Elisa began crying as she pushed from my arms. "Elisa? Don't cry" I tried not to drop her. She screamed, wailing for her parents.

"Watch me!" Atticus was climbing on top of the counters.

I set Elisa on the floor and handed her a toy from the bag "Atticus! Get down" I hurried to the kitchen to grab him.

"Look I can jump high!" Ruben jumped on the couch.

I grabbed Atticus' arm to stop him from moving. "Ruben don't jump on the couch. You could fall" I lifted Atticus off the couch.

I looked around "Where's Griffin?" I placed Atticus on the ground. As soon as I released him he took off running to join Ruben on the couch.

"Griffey!" I called for the child.

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