Chapter 13 18+

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*Atlas' POV*

I tapped my finger against the armrest. When's he coming back? It's been what, 15 minutes now?

My patience began to run thin. How am I supposed to make him jealous if he isn't even here?

My eyes wandered around the dark theater, this movie wasn't interesting. I glanced at Damian, who fidgeted with something in his hand, with a small smile on his face.

Is that?

It was hard to see the thing in his hand, but I had an idea of what it was.

Damian looked at me as his smile grew "wanna give it a go?" He whispered, holding the small item.

I narrowed my eyes. Of course, they would.

I reached for the vibrator's remote but Damian retracted his hand, closing his fingers around it.

He leaned over the seat keeping us apart "Doyun would be very upset with me" he smirked "but I'm sure he'll get over it... you know he might enjoy the two of us. Whatcha say?" He held the remote out again.

What was he getting at? Did he want to do a threesome?

It irritated me knowing Doyun and Damian were in a sexual relationship. I had no interest in Damian, but I'd never let him have what's mine.

I stared at him "I don't like sharing, but if it were just the two of us" I smirked as I grabbed the remote "I'd give it some thought"

As if.

"I'll be back. I'm heading to the restroom" I whispered to Koji. "Don't do anything stupid you'll regret" Koji responded.

"Tsk. I'm not going because Doyun is in there". Lies.

I left the theater, leaning forward so as not to block anyone's view.

I stared at the remote in my hand. I never expected Doyun to be into this kind of stuff— well at least not in public.

I smiled brightly as my heart skipped a beat. How exciting. Doyun, I'm learning more and more about you. The more I learn the more I want you.

Turning to the entrance of the bathroom, coming to a stop as Doyun stood in front of me. His cheeks were red and he had a low pant.

He looks fuckable. Seems I missed my chance.

I felt bummed out. I wanted to hear him jerking himself off in the bathroom. I wonder what kind of face he made as he came?

My mind became filled with lustful thoughts.

"Oh hey Atlas, I was just returning" Doyun avoided making eye contact with me. Did the shame of doing something perverted in the theater get to him? He's so cute.

"I was getting worried there" I smiled "Are you feeling all right? Your face is red again" I really wanted to tease him.

Doyun fidgeted with his fingers "I'm fine... I'm heading back" he moved past me "You should hurry so you don't miss the rest of the movie"

I watched as he left my line of sight. I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

*Doyuns POV*

How did we get here?

I sat across from Atlas. He was beaming with joy. Beside him was Koji and beside me was Damian.

"I'm glad we can drink together" Damian poured a drink and slid it over to Atlas, "Cheers for new friends."

Is it just me or is Damian trying to get Atlas' attention?

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