Chapter 20 18+

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"Doyun how dare you disobey me!" My father slapped me across the face. My eyes widened with terror as I looked at him.

"Honey" my mother watched with uneasiness.

"I specifically told you not to ruin OUR image. And there you are entering a hotel with the same man!" My father showed me the photos of Damian and I going to a hotel on the TV. "That's disgusting! You're an alpha! People are saying revolting things about you and that alpha. They're theorizing about who's top and who's bottom— it is sickening. Alphas are always dominant!" My father scolded "I swear if I hear anything about you and that man or any other man on the news I'll beat the living shit out of you. This isn't you! Stop embarrassing and dragging my name!"

I remained quiet. My cheek continued to sting from the slap. I refused to look my father in the eyes.

I could feel him glaring through me. If I say one wrong thing it will be the end of me.

"If I have to put you under supervision I will" he scoffed rubbing his temples with his fingers.  "I will set up an interview to clean everything up. You will attend this interview with the girl I mentioned before. That's where you guys will announce your engagement. You getting married is the solution to all these disgusting rumors. That's right, once your engagement is announced the rumors will die. I know you don't love her but you will grow to love her"

Mother stood there not saying a word. Did she agree with his decision?

I stared at my mother. My eyes begged her to object.

Please don't let him go through with this. Stand up for me. Have my back for once.

My eyes began to water as she looked away from me.

"Do you understand?" My father asked "ANSWER ME"

"I do," I muttered.

"Fuck. Get out of my sight. I can't stand looking at you" he frowned "Piece of shit" he turned away from me.

My heart shattered at his words. This is how it always goes. It happened with my sister and my brother.

I left the house without another word. My eyes teared up. I try so hard to be what everyone wants me to be.

I let my father down and embarrassed him. I always tried to please him to the best of my ability. I always hid my true self and feelings, because I wanted to be the golden child he's always expected. I wanted him to be proud.

But when Atlas came into my life. Everything got hard to suppress, my feelings, my lust, my desire for him. I desire to fall in love with who I want to love.

Atlas, I want to be in your arms right now.

"What do you mean you've been staying at a hotel? Why haven't you gone home?" Jalen questioned.

"Atlas is there with that guy. I can't see his face without feeling more pain. I fucking love him and he belongs to another! He didn't even care about the rumors with Damian" I was overwhelmed with my feelings.

"I know that's not true" Jalen sighed.

"Is it? Then why hasn't he said anything! Why is he still going to that damn sex club, VIP shit!"

Jalen stared at me "Why aren't you talking to him? Ask him"

"I can't. I don't want to confirm it. I just— it doesn't matter. My father is setting me up with the daughter of a co-owner" I looked at my hands.

Jalen pulled the car over as he turned around in his seat "There's no way!"

I nodded "It's for the best"

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