Chapter 2 18+

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"Doyun explain this! I'm waiting." The director tapped his finger against his arm.

I am at a loss for words. I couldn't say that Damian started it.

"Director, I apologize for interrupting your shoot" Atlas released me "Sorry everyone! I was just excited to see Doyun in action" he gave a small face filled with disappointment and regret. He looks adorable. My heart could melt.

Atlas' words didn't make sense since we weren't shooting yet but no one noticed that fact because of Atlas' pouty face. He had everyone starstruck.

"I see. I understand. Say, boy, what's your name?" The director asked. "Atlas" atlas became cheerful once again. It was as if sunshine and rainbows were beaming from his ora.

"Are you a model or an actor?" The director asked. "No sir I am neither. I am a college student" Atlas smiled.

The director examined Atlas "Would you like to become one? With your looks model would be an easy gig. Acting is a little different since there's skills needed, but I could set you up with our best trainers"

Low gasps and murmur went through the stage crew and fellow actors.

Of course, the director would ask him that. I mean look at Atlas. He'd get a lot of attention.

"No sir" Atlas shook his head "I already have an amazing job as a martial arts instructor"

"Really. Well, son if you ever want a few extra bucks. Come model for me" The director kept his old creepy eyes on Atlas. It felt as if he was undressing Atlas with his eyes.

It made me uncomfortable.

"Thank you, sir. I'll let Doyun know to contact you if that ever happens" Atlas smiled before turning to me "I'll catch you later" he began walking off-set "I apologize again, everyone!"

Everyone's eyes followed him as he left.

"Seems I'm not the only one that wishes to see him naked" Behind me, a voice whispered into my ear. I covered my ear and moved away from Damian.

"I know you're just saying that to piss me off" I muttered. "Am I now? How do you know?" Damian asked.

"Looking back at the scandals, you only go out with Betas and females" I rolled my eyes. I moved back to my position.

"Damian! Let me touch up your makeup!" The makeup artist spoke. "Everyone be ready! Once Damian's makeup is finished we'll start shooting!" the director shouted.

Damian moved towards me to meet the makeup artist halfway from where she was. He glanced at me with a small smirk "Anything can happen. Remember I don't discriminate. Not even against alpha males" he whispered the last part.

My eyes widen to his words. Was he joking? Was he trying to get a reaction out of me with his words?

Why tell me that? He doesn't even like me as a person.

I narrowed my eyes. I'll just ignore him from now on. What a weirdo.

I sat on the couch waiting for Atlas' return. I had a romance movie playing to pass the time. I wanted to be around Atlas. I always enjoyed his company.

We don't always get time together. Our schedules are completely different. We barely get one on one time anymore. I miss him.

I wonder when he'll be home.

My phone buzzed. It must be Atlas. I picked the phone up to read the message.

Message from Atlas: will be out late! Don't wait up for me! Kisses 😘

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