Chapter 10

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"Perfect! Just like that! That's it!" Bright flashes of light flickered as shots of me were snapped.

"Now look here. I love it! That's good!" The photographer gave a thumbs up "Awesome! Take a break before the next shoot. It'll be with the second male lead and the female lead"

"Sounds good" I nodded. My mind was clouded with the words Atlas said a few nights back about us being a family.

It made my heart flutter. It was a glimpse of hope for me.

I gently pinched my cheeks. As if, he says things that lead me on all the time. I don't want to read into it too much.

"Doyun, let me freshen up your makeup" the makeup artist called. She was finishing up Damian.

I nodded and walked over. I was still in my head, spacing out. Damian stood in front of me blocking my path "Thinking about our date?"

I looked up at him. I had hoped he'd forget or get bored of the idea "not at all..."

"Well you should" Damian smirked as he leaned in "Afterwards we aren't going to stop even if you beg, you should wear what I got you. Trust me, it'll be worth your while" he patted my shoulder as he resumed walking past me.

I began to have second thoughts about doing it with Damian. What if we get caught? Or if Atlas finds out. He'll be disappointed and disgusted with me.

Although there was still a part of me that wanted to do it with Damian. I wanted to feel the thrill of sexual sensation with another person and no longer by myself.

It isn't like I could tell Atlas what I wanted him to do to me. When will I get a chance to do these things with someone who's into that kind of play?

"You and Damian have been getting along lately" the makeup artist patted powder on my face.

"You think so?" I closed my eyes.

"You guys talk more. Y'all use to ignore each other, even glare at one another. I'm surprised, why the sudden change of heart?"

I remained silent. How am I supposed to answer that? It's not like we like each other as acquaintances. Our relationship is merely one of pleasure.

"Doyun! Once you're finished I wanted to get the three of you together" the photographer called. He resumed taking photos of Damian.

They just started with Damian's shoot. Geez, a break doesn't mean a break here. "Yes sir," I sighed. I turned my head, as the makeup artist blended the makeup on my neck.

I caught a glimpse of a figure waving its hand around. A tall, slim figure— of course, Atlas would show up. Next to him stood Jalen.

I gave an awkward smile. I liked that he visited me at work, but I always feel nervous when he does. I want to perform perfectly when he's watching. I want him to think I'm cool.

"All finished" She closed the kit. She pushed my hair back into place "Ah there you go"

"Thank you" I smiled at her.

"Yeah, hehe of course" she giggled as she waved.

I wanted to greet Atlas and Jalen but I needed to start the next shoot "I'm ready" I walked to the photographer.

"Perfect! Stand in front of Anna. You will hold your hand under her chin, look as if you're in love with her, about to kiss her" he spoke with passion "Damian will stand behind her. He will cover her eyes as if he's ready to pull her away from you!"

I gave a small sigh as I walked over. This is a dramatic pose for a simple storyline. I stood in front of Anna, the female lead. As instructed I did the pose.

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