Chapter 16

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"Oh Doyun, my love" a large arm flew over my shoulders, as a weight was added to my body.

My eyes narrowed as I glanced at Damian "Tsk, what do you want I'm busy?" I moved his arm. I returned to looking at the scripts for upcoming projects.

"Aw don't be that way, especially after I hooked you up" He smirked. He moved in front of me "Tell me, how did that night go? Did you and your friend do it?"

My face instantly went red as all the memories of Atlas and I together came flooding back. I didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Ah, you did. How was it? was it all you hoped and dreamed" he spoke in a mocking tone "You know what would be even better? If the three of us did it together" he drew closer.

He was so persistent with having a threesome. It felt as if he was using me to get to Atlas— I mean that's a possibility. Atlas is a beautiful omega and Damian is a shit bag alpha.

I released a long sigh as I closed the pages of one of the scripts "That's not going to happen"

"Bummer." Damian kept his eyes locked with mine. He wasn't convinced of my words. "Anywho, how'd it go then? Are you guys official?"

My face dropped "I don't know... Atlas hasn't brought up the night we did it. And It's been almost a week"

Since the night we did it, Atlas continued as normal, normal persona, normal jokey flirting, everything was normal for him. Almost as if he was unfazed by us sleeping together. He hasn't said anything about it or asked to do it again. If I'm being honest, I feel as if he's emotionally avoiding me.

"Why don't you bring it up first" Damian placed his hands on his hips.

"I don't know how to bring it up! Maybe he was just looking for sex and I was the best thing at the moment" I muttered with frustration.

He said he wanted me. Did he mean that or just saying that at the moment?

"Don' know. Maybe he was using you" Damian shrugged.

Damian was no help. He made me feel worse because I didn't want to believe that was the case. I needed to get to the bottom of things.

"Actually. Now that I'm thinking back, I might've seen him two days ago at the VIP club" Damian's eyes were filled with mischievousness.

I frowned. As if I'd believe him..!

But what if— he's telling the truth? What if Atlas went back to the club after we did it? Did I not satisfy him? Was I not enough?

My heart sank.

"But who knows maybe I'm wrong" Damian patted my head "I hope things work out between the two of you" he chuckled "If not I'm always ready to embrace you" he began walking off.

He left me feeling worse than before. Many things ran through my mind.

I need to talk with Atlas.

"JALEN!" I busted through the doors to my dressing room. Jalen froze mid-bite with his sandwich.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Jalen took deep breaths to calm his soul as he set his food down "You can't be busting in here like that! I almost had a heart attack" he sighed.

"Have you been to the VIP club lately?" I hurried to his side. Damian's words disrupted my entire workday, I couldn't focus without knowing the truth.

Jalen raised a brow "I have a few times in the past week" he cleared his throat "Why are you asking?"

"Did you see Atlas there by any chance?" I asked in a frantic tone.

"Relax why do you sound so worried? Geez, umm not that I can recall" Jalen spoke "but at the same time I was too preoccupied to see who was there and who wasn't— oh but I did see his friend" he giggled.

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