Chapter 12

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"Why are you standing at my door, staring like that?" I turned to face Atlas, who was leaning against the door frame.

Atlas had a gentle smile on his face "No reason. I just like watching you"

I rolled my eyes "Ha ha, well stop I'm going to change. Go on, close the door" I shooed him away. Atlas remained where he was, placing his finger in his ear. Indicating he didn't hear what I said.

Of course, he was doing that on purpose. He was stalling so I'd be late. Which I wasn't mad about. I wasn't sure why I was still going out with Damian. I guess my only motivation was the things we'd do post 'date'.

I could already feel my body heating up at the thought. Tonight, I won't think about Atlas, I'll move on so we can continue with our friendship.

"Atlas, cmon. I'm not kidding around" I walked towards him. I gestured him out "I need to change"

"Okay? And?" Atlas raised a brow as he smirked "I'm sure I've seen everything I need to" he chuckled as he leaned in "You do like flashing people"

"Er, that was one time!" I muttered. "Not once, many times" Atlas laughed.

He shortly fell silent "What happened to your lip?" He touched my cut on my lip.

"Oh, I bit my lip a little too hard. It isn't anything too serious of course" I awkwardly laughed. I couldn't tell him that I bit my lip while I was anxiously waiting for him. We hadn't talked about what had happened in the bathroom the other day. I've been waiting for him to say something, but he acted as if nothing happened.

It confused me because he seemed upset that I wouldn't let him touch me but I'd let Damian— Damian! Shoot that's right. Atlas knows that we've done... things together.

I still couldn't figure out how Atlas knew. I wanted to ask him, but that would be confirming it to Atlas. I don't know how much he knew. It's better if I say nothing and let it be forgotten.

Atlas glazed his finger across my lip. He remained silent as if he were lost in thought. It was awkward just standing there, "um it'll heal soon" I backed away from him. Atlas stood his hand still held out.

"Oh." Atlas stared at me. He rubbed the back of his neck. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if he should "I'll let you get ready for your date now." He left the room.

Why the sudden change of heart? He's been complaining about this 'date' since Damian brought it up.

It irritated me. Part of me wanted him to care.

I shut the door as I grumbled to myself "It's for the best if he doesn't care" I easily convinced myself of this false truth.

"I'm leaving!" I announced, standing in the doorway of the open front door. I was expecting Atlas to come complain about me leaving. But everything was silent "Um Atlas? I'm going to be out late! So don't wait up for me" I shouted, hoping he'd come soon. Was he even here?

"Atlas~" I called once more.

"I heard you" Atlas walked down the stairs. He was nicely dressed. His silky brown hair was pushed back. He wore a white button-up, that was tucked in the front. He looked handsome.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" I raised a brow. He didn't say he had plans today. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he left my heart pounding.

"On a date" Atlas moved past me as he checked himself out in the mirror next to the front door. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"A date?" I crossed my arms "You didn't say you were going on a date. With whom?" I tried to remain calm. I felt as if my world was crashing down on me. This was something I never wished to hear, although I knew I'd come sooner or later. Atlas is a catch, this was coming. I just thought I had time to mentally prepare.

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