Chapter 5 18+

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"Ow shit," Damian backed away as he touched his lip. A small red mark was left by me.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to bite you" I nervously apologize. This is embarrassing. I should've said turned down his offer... but I couldn't. My body craved for touch and my heart craved to forget Atlas. This was the best thing I could come up with.

Was this even the right way to go about things? Would this fix my problem?

I will admit that I was clueless when it came to getting rid of feelings. I took Jalen's words literally and assumed this was the only way.

He began to chuckle as he looked at me "Don't tell me you've never made out with another person before?"

"I mean I've done it in scenes... sorta" I muttered.

"That's it? Have you ever been in a relationship with anyone?" He asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I raised a brow.

"Heh, not everyone gets far with their partners, but your giveaway was your awkwardness" Damian smirked "You're so stiff relax. I'm guessing this is your first time?"

I frowned once Damian began laughing "Is being a virgin funny" What did I expect from an ass like him...?

"No no, I just never expected this. You really are innocent, the roles you play are never innocent. But I guess that's just acting, huh" he gave a soft smile. It was the first time I've seen him genuinely smile. It was weird.

"I'm not as innocent as you think" I took offense to his words. If anyone else said that to me I wouldn't care, but it irritated me when he said it.

I pushed him over and got on top.

"Oh, are you now?" Damian placed his arms behind his head "Show me, unless your all talk" his eyes pierced into me.

I wasn't sure what to do next now that I was on top, but I needed to prove him wrong. I tried to keep my confidence in my statement as I pulled my shirt off "Why would I be all talk? Just sit back and enjoy" My face began to grow red by my words.

Who says shit like that?!

Damian perked a brow at my words. It was clear he found this amusing.

"You're thinner than I expected" Damian traced his hands down my side. I shivered at his touch, "are you really an alpha?" He chuckled. He rested his hands on my waist.

"I am!" I grew flustered. I've been naked in front of people before but I felt nervous.

"Sure you are. Are you going to get things started? I'm starting to lose interest" he faked a yawn.

I rolled my eyes as I slowly moved down. I started to undo his pants. If there was anything I knew it was this. I've practiced many times before with my dildos while imagining Atlas of course.

I'm not sure why. But I felt the urge to perform for Damian. The two of us were always in competition when it came to acting. But now, I wanted to prove I wasn't what he thought.

Damian sat up as he watched me. I could feel his pheromones around me. It wouldn't affect me like it would affect an omega, but they were more dominant than mine. And the feeling of a more dominant alpha's pheromone, we're arousing to me.

My tongue traced his outline through his underwear. I glanced at him with a lustful gaze. Using my teeth I pulled his underwear down, as his tip poked out.

He's bigger than I expected. I don't think he'll fit on the way in.

"You're staring at it as if you've never seen an alphas dick" Damian removed the rest of his underwear. He placed his tip on my lips "Open your mouth" he spoke in a demanding voice.

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