Let me tell you a secret. Sometimes when I wear earphones, there's no audio playing. Most of the time it's because I'm still choosing what to play, but sometimes, sometimes, I just do it to appear occupied. I could invest in noise-cancelling headphones, but there's a lot of fun to appear to be listening to something and actually not be.
Yeah, it's deceptive, so I don't do it much, but when I do it, it's fun. You may feel like judging me for indulging in this brand of fun, but really, you don't want to spend more brainpower on me than absolutely necessary. You need to save some for Candy Crush, don't you?
Speaking of Candy Crush, that's something else I do just to look busy, and at least in this I'm not alone. Heck, sometimes I just open my phone and swipe across the screen, flicking through my apps for no good reason other than to avoid sitting around looking idle in a public place. Here, "public place" includes school and work. Yes, I would rather look at a small screen in my hand than "observe the panorama of life" as Mama does when she is forced to sit idle somewhere. I do "observe the panorama of life", but wifi hotspots push that way to pass time down the list. Having a nice backlog of photos on one's phone helps when wifi connectivity fails. When boredom strikes, have no fear! Squinting-in-the-sun selfies to the rescue!
Admit it, you do this stuff too, right? (Or am I...{gasp} alone in doing this?) The next chapter is, frankly, a mystery. Let's see what comes up. It may or may not involve further mention of massively popular freemium mobile games. (By that I mean Candy Crush.)
Infinite Ink
Non-FictionHello, dear reader. Welcome to my story. Please, have a drink. Here are some chips and a cushion. Comfortable? Good. Let's get to know each other.