Starting off on the right foot

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Starting on the right foot It's important for your day to have a good start. Which is why when you wake up groggy and are immediately handed a knife and an assortment of vegetables and instructed to start chopping, it's quite discouraging.

OK, I'm exaggerating. I wasn't immediately given veggie cutting duty. Mama gave me morning greetings first.

OK, I'm still exaggerating. At least she let me make my first-thing-in-the-morning trip to the toilet.

Alright, alright! I sat down with my morning cup of coffee flavored sugar water. Mama gave me the veggie job. I gave a cranky response. I made up with her later (like I always do. It's in the daughter's job description.) The experience was interesting, though: me chopping away with pieces of mangled food flying everywhere, scattering as if it was some real life 3D effect. I brushed up on my food cutting skills (which is a very useful life skill, by the way) and I worked out my feelings.

What's your mood while doing kitchen work? Ever approached food preparation from an angry angle? (Why is the word processor marking "angle" as a spelling mistake? I'll have to deal with that topic tomorrow.)

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