For me, hijab is not such a big deal. Hang on while I elaborate. Hijab is an extensive concept that includes covering yourself up. The average Muslim male, being exposed to the way women are portrayed in the media, and the way some Muslim females present themselves in public (i.e. without hijab; either its concept and its dress code, or both, are missing), gets desensitized, and then begins to consider hijabi Muslim females as abnormal.
Yeah, yeah, the topic is overdone but the day I have to stop justifying my hijab (the concept AND the dress code both) to close members of the family (not extended family), I'll drop the subject. Seriously, it's tiring. Hijab is just a basic thing you do without thinking much about it and you go on to focus on the more important aspects of Islamic spirituality beyond and within hijab. So why do we have to act like it's such a big deal?
Oh, the answer is simple. If all the world's women started observing hijab--stopped bowing down to the industries that run on media-created insecurities in females--then where would the men's $$money$$ go? Yup, men control the fashion industry, the cosmetics industry, the media, so on and so forth. As for who influences these men, you know that the first thing Satan did to cause trouble to humans was to cause our parents Adam and Hawa to become undressed after they ate from the forbidden tree? Yes, the punishment of eating from the forbidden tree was not being sent to Earth. It was becoming undressed. Earth was our parents' destination all along.
I'm not going to quote the Quranic explanations on which I've based my comments in the previous paragraph. You should know this. If you don't, then what are you waiting for? It's Ramadan. Pull out a Quranic explanation of Surah Baqarah and there you go.
I think, in the process of describing the question, I have come across the answer. Hijab is always going to be an "issue", just because Satan and our own "nafs" (base desires of inner self) are going to be present to challenge us. Well, while I may be tired of justifying it, I am not tired of practising it.
I'm not going to ask any question at the end of this chapter, because I'm tired of discussing this non-issue as it is. You're welcome to comment as you wish. (By "non-issue" I mean that it is not a problem in the first place. If it's considered problematic, that's a self-created thought.)
Infinite Ink
Non-FictionHello, dear reader. Welcome to my story. Please, have a drink. Here are some chips and a cushion. Comfortable? Good. Let's get to know each other.