The Seven Habits of Highly Inquisitive Desis

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The Seven Habits of Highly Inquisitive Desis:

They know exactly how you should live your life. And they will tell you, down to the last little detail, what you should do.

They will assume that that last Facebook status was about them. Of course, one tends to forget that the world revolves around them. No biggie. Just tag them next time.

The mothers will complain that their children waste the nights watching back-to-back seasons of their favourite shows, yet they spend the mornings flipping between all the morning shows on cable television.

Their lifestyle is the ideal for all the others to follow. If you don't walk, talk, breathe like them, then you're not doing it right.

Everything can be cured by the right pill. Delay surgical intervention until the last possible moment. Until then, go prescription-shopping in search for the elusive miracle cure-all capsule. "Doctor, do you need to remove my rotting tooth that has made my face swell to the size of a football? Can't I just take some medicine instead?"

On Western weddings, the guests are all, "Oh, they look so wonderful together." Desi weddings: "The bride's jewellery looks artificial."

No need to buy hard copies of books when you have ebooks. Pirated ones, of course.

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