O N E | 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧

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Sorry In advance. This chapter starts off a little bit Cruel  ⚠️

"Que pendejo eres! This is why you can't do shit! Go fuck yourself. I don't want to see you come back here until the whole house is clean!"

Kevin fought back tears, his throat felt a little knot in it as he tried his best not to break down , For the 4th time that day. "I'm sorry. I'll sleep outside-"

His mom slapped him across the face, leaving a big vibrant red mark. Kevin stumbled back, really trying his best not to cry. He couldn't cry, he couldn't afford it. He closed his eyes and held back the tears from escaping, holding his cheek as it started to bruise up.

"YOU KNOW WHAT KEVIN?" She said, tugging on his hair, making Kevin open his eyes that reveled tears. Kevin's vision was blurry and he was gasping for air. That only made her even more mad. She slapped him again, making Kevin's head tilt to the side from the impact. She was still holding onto Kevin's hair, letting his neck crack in a uncomfortable way.

She studied his face, a little smirk forming on her wrinkled cheeks. "Look at you," she said. She grabbed his jaw and squeezed it tight. "Crying over this? ARE YOU SERIOUS KEVIN?" Her rough tone made Kevin shudder underneath her.

He's always hated her tone. But he was so used to it he didn't even realize it.

Kevin let tears spelt out of his eyes, not caring anymore to hide them. She already found out. His breaths were cut short as she continued to slap him, over. And over, over, and over again. Kevin started to see stars in his vision as the sound of delicate skin being abused hit his ear drums.

After she was done, she threw him on the hard kitchen floor. Standing up straight, taking a a good view at him. "Wow." She uttered, watching him squirm with pain beneath her. "So ugly, so useless." She crouched down ad grabbed his hair again, tugging on his burnt hair that she also did.

She made sure Kevin could hear these words, loud and clear. "I ask for the house clean...and you try to escape this home? WHAT WRONG WITH YOU? HM? DOES YOUR BRAIN NOT CLICK? FUCKING DUMBASS PUTO."

Yet, another slap hit his face. Kevin was so used to it, he didn't even react. Knowing the same ending will come every time. "I'm sorry!" He spat out in between slaps. His face was covered with red and blood started to gush out from his already weak nose. "I'm so sorry! Please, PLEASE!" He begged, crying and scratching out any verbal sentence to stop this.

His head started to throb from the intense tugging, and his body felt so limp. He felt so weak. So useless. Blood started to tickle his on fire face, burning pain erupted inside him as he tried to escape. Surely he could take his own mom, but he wouldn't.

Because he's never tried.

This has been going on for years. Decades. He's been abused in so many ways, forms, words hurt him so much. Actions hurt him so much. He's always been the 'shy kid' or 'buena para nada' guy. No one ever liked him, no one ever even looked at him. He was ugly, stinky, fat, stupid, dumb, weak, fat, ugly, ugly, ugly. Ugly.

More tears started to spill out of his eyes. He let them, not even caring anymore about his punishments. Kevin knew he could take them, he's actually been getting better at take them. Every, single, day.

That's when the stinging, throbbing pain finally stopped. Kevin opened his eyes to see the white tiles stained with red blood, his whole face was covered with blood. And his mom was nowhere to be seen. Kevin wiped away his tears, curling up into a ball as he sobbed uncontrollably. Letting all of his sadness spell out in each cry. Cry for help, for happiness, for a good day. Just a good day.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now