E I G H T E E N | 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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"Stay here Y/n, I'm not done with you."

You stared at Kevin with utter shock. When has Kevin gotten so ruthless? Charming? Before he looked like another play toy for you but now he looks...


"Okay, you can stay here. I'll just go to my room and-" as you tried to get up from his lap, Kevin grabbed your hips and stilled them in place, preventing you from leaving his presence.

You huffed in frustration, "Kevin I think we should stop."

Stop? Stop this?

Why would Kevin ever want to stop this?

You knew he wouldn't agree to that, and so you stared at him with puppy dog eyes. You loved Kevin's body, you loved his touch and the way he felt against you. You loved all of it. But when your gut is tugging at you to stop, it gets hard to make your body his again.

Kevin's eyes widened at your suggestion. How could he stop this? Not when you touched him like this, kissed him like this, made him so so special, so good. Kevin couldn't bring himself to let you go, at least not just yet.

"Y/n, why do we have to stop?" He asked, his pretty lost eyes staring deep into your soul.

He looked so desperate to just touch you. He looked like he was thirsty for you. The way his eyes watched your every move, the way his lips would curl into his mouth when you made any slightest movement.

You shook your head. "Because uhm..." you didn't want to admit and say that your gut was yelling at you to get off of him, to go to sleep and forget this happened. Kevin wouldn't understand that and even if he did, it wouldn't be a good enough reason to quit an act like this, an act that brought so much joy to the both of you.

Then suddenly, an idea came into mind.

"Didn't you say that you uhm, erm- felt weird? I wouldn't want to keep going if you felt like that."

Kevin's eyes stared at you with confusion, yet still with frustration of some sort. "Yeah...but it felt good."

You took a moment to process what he had just said. His low raspy voice told you he was also tired, yet he was the one trying to get you to not leave. Shit, you felt bad.

You were stuck, and for some reason you just couldn't pull your body away from Kevin a magnetic field. Not only because Kevin still had his grip Like steal on your hips, but also because you never felt this emotional with a man before.

You had one night stands with a man before, you had a 1 time hook up with many different guys in your past. But none of them felt like this. None of them felt like torture to yourself. It felt like if you pulled away from Kevin, you'd brake the trust between you two that you know he doesn't have for anyone else.

And you never craved a man's trust more than you did with Kevin's. In a way, I felt like you and him had a special thing. A thing that you could only brake.

Because Kevin knows he won't brake the tight string between you two.

After a long staring contest, and sexual tension between you two, you finally stop thinking for once and let your body take your thoughts into motion.

"Okay Y/n, if you want to stop then we can. I just don't want to-"

You broke his speech off with a kiss on his lips, muffling his ongoing words and drinking his voice like it was your own personal beverage.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now