N I N E T E E N | 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐟𝐚ll

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Y'all are gonna hatteeee me 😔🙏🏽

Kevin stared at you with confusion, frustration, and exhaustion.
Why would you want to take off his hoodie? And why can't Kevin see himself letting you do that?

"Y/n what are you trying to do?" He asked, even tho the answer was obvious. Though Kevin was he type of guy whom constantly needed reassurance all the time. If he were to improvise, he would double guess himself and most likely overthink. Which overthinking happens all the time, especially with him.

You sighed and backed up into the couch, staring at Kevin with the same emotions you received. "Im trying to take your hoodie off."You said in a tone that made Kevin feel stupid for asking.

Maybe Kevin should improvise next time. He doesn't need reassurance because based on your tone, you didn't like to reassure.

Kevin clung onto his hoodie like it was his child, eyeing you down as if you were trying to attack him. "I uhm...no need to take my hoodie off!"

You chuckled at him, tilting your head and staring at his black hoodie. "May I ask why?" You questioned with confusion written all over it.

He didn't respond to that, he just stared at you like he was contemplating or maybe having his own battle in his head.

"I just," he hugged himself, wrapping his arms around him to keep himself warm, since you aren't on top of him anymore. "I just don't want to show my skin."

Now you began to be a little bit concerned. Your eyebrows knit upwards and you scutched closer to Kevin. Kevin backed up, using one of his hands to push himself backwards as the other still hung onto his hoodie.

You noticed this, and it sort of annoyed you that Kevin didn't trust you like you trusted him.

"Why are you being so defensive?" You pushed, grabbing Kevin's hand that was on his hoodie and slowly moving his hand away from it.

He let you do it, for a second. Maybe he was in shock of your action and boldness, because after a good 5 seconds he shook his head and hugged himself once more.

"I'm not! I just don't want show my skin." He defended himself. You rolled your eyes at him and backed away again.

"I understand that. I won't make you take off your hoodie if you don't want to. My question is, why are you being so defensive over your skin?"

Kevin shyly looked away and frowned, remembering what he saw in the shower when he looked down and around his body.

He shrug and mumbled a deep but smooth, "I don't know. I guess I just value myself and want to wait for the right women." He said.

Kevin panicked, he really didn't mean this. He just didn't want to admit the truth because if he did, no way you'd look at him the same.

You don't quite know why, but you took very much offense over this. "So you're saying I'm not the right women."

Kevin sighed and closed his eyes. "That's not what I meant-"

"Then what do you mean? It seems like you don't trust me. Which is fine, but you're not this defensive with other men, other women. If you don't see anything with me...then why are you still here?"

Wow, you might be as big as an overthinker than Kevin is.

He let out a groan of frustration, he didn't know how to handle overstimulation at this. These accusations and random sayings are something he's never dealt with before. How is he supposed to keep his emotions in check when you obviously can't keep yours?

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now