N I N E | 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫

713 14 19

Short chapter...sorry about that. BUT this is gonna be a build up. After this it's gonna get better...

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Diego scratched out of annoyance.

You and Chucky instantly closed your lips and sat down firmly on the chair. The both of you eyeing each other with a look that Diego knew all too well.

Diego clapped his hands together and sighed obnoxiously loud. He then stood up and eyed the both of you, anger and frustration hinting in his eyes. "So our agreement just...vanished?" Diego's nervous vocals asked.

A shrug found it's way onto your shoulders. "Pretty much, everything was going good until chucky wanted to start talking about it again."

Chucky instantly sat up straight and held up his hand like he was a referee. "Uh no! I brought it up because you two are doing the same thing to Kevin!" He objected.

Diego groaned. "Okay? And? We did it to you and you're still good. Nothing bad's gonna happen from a little playing." He mumbled.

Chucky's jaw hung low in complete shock. Not only that, his stomach felt sick and twisted from what he had just heard.

"A LITTLE playing?" He asked in shock. "My whole love life got ruined from that! Also I can't trust anyone again. You're lucky i didn't expose you guys."

Diego just rolled his eyes and stood up, stretching his legs against the table and groaning. "I can't deal with this. Y/n, talk to him. I have a game tomorrow and it's late."

"Yeah, run away Diego! Run away from your problems como siempre!" Chucky growled out. Diego just ignored his sneaky comment and walked out of the premises. Leaving just you and Chucky and a unwelcoming whole like of tension.

You shyly turned around to see Chucky already staring at you with a angry gaze. A smile crept up onto your face as you showed your white teeth and slightly squinting your eyes. It was more of an attempt to get him happier than anything- which didn't work, absolutely.

He huffed and turned away from you. "I can't believe you agreed to do this yet again. Did last time with me not hurt you enough? Hm? Actually, knowing you it probably just boosted your ego." He grumbled.

You chuckled and got out a piece of gum, shoving it in your mouth and chewing on it while you spoke. "When I first agreed to it, I didn't know what I was getting myself into to. I didn't think he was being serious but apparently he was."

Chucky turned around and stared at you in the face. "Okay...but you could have told me something. You could have said 'Hey Chucky, i don't think that this is gonna work out for reasons, I hope we can still be friends!' Or something like that! You didn't have to lie to me!"

Anger and frustration was growing quick in the air. If it wasn't for the ac then it would have been boiling hot from all the heat that was being thrown out.

You groaned and rolled your eyes. "I get it! I messed up. Hey at least we're friends now! And plus we forgot about it. Let's just go back to that and let me do my thing with Kevin."

"No! I'd be idiotic and stupid to just let you do this to Kevin. Do you see how much scars he has? Do you wanna add on to that, or what?" Chucky countered.

You shrugged. "It don't matter. I'm getting money, and that all that matters to me."

You lied.

Apart from this 'idgaf' mentality, you really tried your best to hold on. Because honestly, the money doesn't even sound worth it anymore. You'd rather just be friends with Kevin and actually have a good healthy friendship with him instead of this.

But you knew Diego wouldn't be so happy with that. And the last time you tried to back out if this when you were doing this with Chucky, didn't go so well. Diego wasn't rather pleased that you tried to back out.

You looked down at a deep scar on your arm as Chucky replied.

"Money. That's all you Lainez's are about huh? I should have known something was up with you again when you followed Kevin into that bathroom." He remeciese.

"Yeah, just let me do my thing with Kevin. You know that everything will be okay in the end. That's all that matters, right?" You innocently asked Chucky.

He watched as you chewed your bottom lip and flicked your eyelashes up at him. "No, no. You're good, Y/n. You're good with the wrong things."

You raised and an eyebrow at him. Confused yet excited from the complement.

"I know you. I know you have the power to leave Kevin suicidal when you brake it off with him. You'll make him feel so happy, so special. You'll make him feel like he's the best man in the world, like he's the only man in your eyes." Chucky looked at you as he spoke.

"You'll make him feel so appreciative for you, like you're his best thing ever. Then, you'll make him feel depressed. Suicidal, hell- he'll probably even comet suicide..."

You gulped as you nervously played with your ring finger. "I- I Don't have enough power for that. Sure it'll probably- most likely hurt him. But suicidal? No. I never ever hade someone that in love with me. I highly doubt he'll be the one."

He didn't know what it was, or why it was. But Chucky felt the need to touch you in some way. Maybe it was the way you spoke, or maybe even they way your body moved ever so slightly. He doesn't know, but he doesn't care. He can ignore it.

"I know that. I felt that way when you broke up with me. And I'm normal, Kevin, he's not normal. You got yourself into something bad." He warned.

You felt your stomach drop. Like a ball just absorbed into your body and rested at the pit of your stomach. Whatever that feeling was, it wasn't good.

"No...I promise that won't happen."

Chucky hesitated before speaking again. "What are you planning on doing? The same thing you did to me?"

You blushed slightly before turning away from him and bitting on your finger nail. "Eh- what do you mean?"

"Oh don't act dumb." He furrowed his eyebrows. "How you going to make him fall in love? Are you planning on being innocent with it or giving him a hand job?"

Your eyes busted open as you turn around so fast the wind slapped your face. "No! I can't do that. He's too innocent...I doubt he even knows what that is."

Chucky chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. You're gonna have to make him fall in love and crush him some way or another."

You suspiciously looked up at Chucky. For some reason he seemed far more chill than before.

He must have caught on, because a little smirk appeared on his face.

"You know I'm going to tell Kevin all about this, right?"

Ah, there it is.

"No you won't." You started. Chucky raised an eyebrow. "Diego won't let you. trust me, if I could, I wouldn't- never mind."

He shrugged. "Whatever. I'ma still tell Kevin what you're doing."

You sighed. "Do I have to remind you of who my brother is? You know he gets what he wants at all means. He's a gas lighter, not trust worthy, and very manipulative. He can make you do things that you don't want to."

Chucky paid attention to what you were saying, but a bigger problem started to show up.

He knew he should have kept his distancing. He knew he should have never talked to you. Because now he has a problem, and he doesn't want to interfere with anything.

But he can't help but stare into your eyes.

And catch feelings all over again.

: ̗̀➛

Sorry for the short chapter. Next one will be better, and also the plot is starting to show up!

Everything will start to make sense soon! I promise!


𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now