F O U R T E E N | 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Short chapter but whateverrrr ‼️‼️

"I got a girlfriend."

You don't know what exactly happened in that moment. You kind of just stood there for a good second and looked at Kevin with a blank face. It was like your body was in complete utter shock and disbelief. Then after a couple of seconds, you shook your head and something clicked inside your brain.

"WHAT?" You screamed out. You slapped your hand over your mouth to prevent other sounds of confusion fly out.

Kevin flinched a bit to the tone of your scream, closing his eyes for a second and gently opening them again to look at you. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled, and for the first time in your life you heard a 'sorry' that actually sounded genuine.

You keep your gaze on him for a couple of seconds, staring deep into his soul and kind of having regret build up inside you. Though you realized that you shouldn't be acting this way, clearing your thoughts and relaxing your tense body.

Then you retracted back to what Kevin had said before. "Sorry for what?" You asked, or maybe you just wanted reassurance. You made sure your tone was nice, soft, and gentle like he enjoys it. You really didn't want to be stressed out even though you knew you were.

"For not telling you," he sighed and started figuring with his hands, "I know I should have told you." You watched his face to see him looked rather frustrated. His eyes were hard and his face was stiff like he had moved his features closer together.

His mouth opened up again like he was going to say something, but then it closed , then it opened up again, confusing you. "It was just complicated..." he trailed off. His voice sounded mildly disappointed, though you weren't sure of what to be exact.

"So you just decided to ignore me? After being for you all this time? After trying to be your friend?"You said very disappointed in him.

Not like you're that innocent either.

"I'm deeply sorry, Y/n."

You sighed and backed away slightly from him, not sure if you could contain your frustration or if you were going to go out on him. Because now that he has a girlfriend you can't really go on with the plan Diego's been dying for. But something about that made you somewhat relived.

You hummed, "Geez Kevin, I'd thought I'd have more meaning to you."

His eyes quickly flicked up and his eyebrows arrowed upwards, mouth parted slightly like he was a lost puppy. "You do!" He put his hand on your shoulder to surely get your attention when he noticed you looked away from him.

Now staring at him, your eyes fell down to his hand that was neatly placed onto your shoulder. He held your shoulder so softly you could practically see his hand shaking to grip onto it.

Though he didn't, instead he said, "You do mean something to me!" Your eyes still were focused on his hand on your shoulder, wondering if he was not touching you because he was kind or because he didn't want to touch you for his new girlfriend.

His stare followed yours and noticed you were still watching his hand. He frowned and flinched his hand back to his front pants pocket.

"It's not like I wanted to ignore you, please trust me Y/n." He said with a quiet tone, "I would never willingly ignore you like that."

You began to feel a little bad. With the way he was talking to you it felt like he was sincere, and you knew that with a personality like Kevin's it would be hard for him to fake it like that. "Then why did you?" You instigated.

Kevin's Adam apple bobbed for a second while his lips parted a bit, completely lost in thought or maybe just baffled with what you asked. Finally, he said, "Do you believe me, though?"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now