F I F T E E N | 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫?

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School has been draining me smmmm like omlll let me live my life ☹️☹️😐😐

I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise to you when Kevin continued to ignore you. Tho this time it felt so much hurtful than last time.

Like you guys actually talked about why he's been ignoring you and yet he still continues to do it. It made your ego go so far deep into the ocean and past the titanic.

But whatever, after 3 weeks of just being purely ignored buy him you lost interest of his attention. Besides, you had a lot of things to work on. And you definitely didn't need to be worried about Kevin.

But on a sunny;but chilly, afternoon you were in your locker room since you just had played a match. The game wasn't horrible, you had scored once and played very well to say the least, though you did have some mistakes that you weren't all too happy about.

Overall, you did have a good game. So singing a random tune in your mind, you finished up tying your shoes and walked outside with a heavy bag slouched over your right shoulder. The day was OKAY, nothing too exciting but the weather felt nice on your skin.

There were still some people parked outside the parking lot that just had watched the game. being apart of América also meant a bigger fan base. It did surprise you that a good handful of people watched feminine soccer/football, considering most men like to talk bad about women soccer/football.

Though it did leave a good taste on your tongue to know that many men and women enjoyed your game. And a little grin formed until it got wiped off completely.

Some girl had shoved into you, making your heavy bag fall onto the ground and taking you with it. But before you could get mad, the girl spoke up.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized. You felt her hands quickly latch into your shoulders to help you stand up again. "I didn't see where I was going! Sorry!"

You looked at her in the face, and being so close you could see all her features that designed her face. And she must have been able to see the same for you, because she muttered, "Wow, you've got to be one of the prettiest women I've ever seen."

You smiled at her, and took a good second to catch a glimpse of her whole face. She had light hazel eyes that looked like stars in her face, thin eyebrows and long eyelashes. Her nose was small but her lips were big, not plumped, but big like she had gotten surgery or something done to them.

Unfortunately, you couldn't really till what other features she had because her long black hair covered half of her face.

"Thank you!" You happily chirped, "you're very pretty as well!" She looked at you and chuckled before turning away.

"If I'm just pretty then I wonder what you are..." she mumbled. She began to pick something off the floor as You took a few seconds to recall what she had just said, before a very massed weight jumped into your palms. You looked down to see your bag in your hands. Flinging the bag over your right shoulder again, you grinned at the women.

A sly 'thank you' flea from your lips as you adjusted to the weight. "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around here before." You curiously asked.

She took a second to reply, thinking off into space before replying. "It's not nothing special, unlike yours I'm guessing, but Lola, I go by Lola."

You began to walk to your car as she trailed down aside you. "That sounds like a beautiful name." You complemented.

And then a very funny thought came in mind. As well as a feeling, the feeling of wanting to get to know this girl and maybe be friends with her. You did enjoy the way she constantly complemented you in the most unique way possible. It also made you think of that feeling of joy and specialness you got whenever she said something positive towards you was the same feeling Kevin got from you.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now