E L E V E N | 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

522 18 31

Kevin fr broke my heart💔 you'll always be my true Bae Kevin...

You opened your eyes, head spinning and Herat racing. You could still taste the wine on your now pulsing tastebud as you stood up and looked around you.

Many men surrounded you with the look that you could only guess was confusion. Squinting your eyes, you rubbed them before realizing that practically the whole soccer team was in front of you with worried expressions and slouched bodies.

You dryly coughed, "What the fuck..." you swore under your breath. The tense bodies of the men slowly untangled themselves, sighing out of relief and then suddenly having an alerted expression on their faces.

"Y/n! You blacked out for the 4th time today! You need to go to the hospital-" Vega tried to say before Edson interrupted him.

"No she doesn't, Alexis." Edson scolded Vega with a look you all knew to well. "She needs rest, sleep. She's obviously exhausted from whatever she was doing."

You looked at the other players who had all their attention on the two men who where speaking, almost like if they forgot about you for a split second.

A growl of annoyance erupted from Vega. "I told you, Edson, to stop interrupting me when I'm giving advice! You were the one who said I should speak out more on situations-"

"Shhh Vega, I know you're mad because América beat you 4-0 and you're sad but you don't need to take it out on me." Edson said rather calmly.

If like the room could get any silenter, it did. It was like something snapped and people were still in the shock phase. Then, Vegas face started to change colors to a brief dark shade of red. "You," Vega said, holding out his pointer finger and dangerously leaving it close to Edison's chest, "Oh I'm going to beat the shit outta you-"

And just like that, Vega started to chase Edson around as the others watched and cheered on their teammates. The whole room got so loud from shouting and laughter to the point where you legitimately couldn't stand the noise, you had a big headache and it was only getting worse.

"Guys!" Chucky shouted. Everyone hilted and looked at Chucky with guilt. "What about y/n?"

"Right!" santi shouted, grabbing your shoulder and shaking you not so gently. "What happened between you and Kevin that lead you to talk about him?" Santi said supper fast that it didn't even process in your brain.

Like at the speed of light, you suddenly remembered what you were about to say before you blacked out again. "Oh! I uhm..." you were iffy, and not to mention ... STILL DRUNK.

Chucky started to fiddle with his hands. "Guys I don't think we should let her talk! I mean she must be so worn out already, rest is definitely needed right away-"

"I'm calling Kevin right now!" Vega squealed, stumping his feet and jumping up and down for some answers.

"What! Noo!! We can not call him- mh! Mphhh!" Chucky let out a muffled groan as Edson held him back and put his hand on Chucky's mouth to muffle his argument.


"Kevin?" Vega said after about a minute of ringing. You could barely hear what he was saying but you were able to tell that he sounded rather happy. "Yeah okay, I'll see you later kevin!! Bye!!" Vega said as he hung up the phone.

Edson let go of Chucky who was clearly in distress. "Guys!" He shouted, "Why did you tell Kevin to come over?"

Vega shrugged. "Well we want to know what Y/n was talking about earlier so-"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now