T H I R T E E N | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬

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Guys Kevin looked soooo fineeeee with his face paint on omlll😍😍😍

A gray smoky night was expected that day. It was such a rainy day, supper cold and dry,  some would even say it was one of the worst day out of the year.

You were perched outside your house, staring blankly at the unsettling,very blocked cloudy, sunset as you fiddled with your hands. Rolling your knuckles with the corner of your thumb and letting smoke fly out of your mouth. Not smoking, of course, but it was chilly out it the point where it looked like you were smoking.

The tips of your fingers even became a darker shade than you. Winter was just around the corner and you absolutely hated it. Not only for the much colder weather than usual but also for the fact that you won't be able to go and see games for your brother.

See, around the winter time you tend to get really backed up because of thanksgiving (since you're from California which is United States) and Christmas. You love the holidays of course but you like to go all out on buying gifts for Christmas and having big get togethers for thanksgiving. Obviously tho, that's not the main reason to why you hate the winter time.

You have many other reasons, but the one you were more focused on is how you were going to tell Diego that you won't be able to attend his games. It was already hard keeping track of your own club games and national games, as well as practice and stuff all while still visiting Diego's games and practices.

During winter you love working on yourself for summer so you wouldn't be able to see Diego that often anymore.

Yes this happens every year but for some reason each year gets harder and harder to tell him. You two didn't have the best relationship, actually you probably had the worst one by far, but you did still care for him and sometimes liked spending time with him.

But it felt like each winter was just another excuse to spend more time apart. It wasn't the best feeling.

So with a sigh, you stood up from your concrete stairway and walked down to your car, turning it on and driving off to Diego's practice. All the way there you had a sad feeling in your stomach that you just wished would go away.

You hated how sentimental you were to the smallest things.

Sometimes, you were glad Diego taught you how to be cold. It took away the feeling of knowing that you're a soft girl underneath hard skin.

As you arrived you warmed up your hands and prepared yourself for the cold weather once more.

Stepping out of the car, you dragged your feet all the way to the gym where you saw Diego running on a treadmill. His hair was wet and stuck to his forehead while his cheeks were flushed red and beamed with steam.

You looked around the gym to see other players for La selección Mexicana. You smiled to yourself until your heard the loud thumping treadmill Diego was on, slowly come to a stop.

"Whatcha doing here?" Diego's voice was rough and sounded dry. You looked at him and shrugged your shoulders, half debating if you should tell him that 'that time of the year is here!' Now, or if you should wait and tell him.

Though, you let the gummy feeling stop words from coming out of your mouth. Diego waited for an answer, but after you didn't respond he walked away to get his water bottle. You don't know why but this year felt way different from others.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now