T W E N T Y | 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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That night, the night where Kevin's first argument happened with you, was a night that could really haunt Kevin's sleep.

Kevin didn't really remember much, but what he does remember was him curling up in a ball and sobbing himself to sleep. His breath would cut short each time he tried to breathe, and it would cause him to cry out in agony.

Sensations close to remorse flowed through his muscular body. What had happened was something Kevin could never imagine happening, and if it did he could have never imagined it being with you.


The girl that made him feel so many special feelings that no girl has ever made him felt before. The girl that's been on his mind since he first saw you.

And now thinking about it, it hurts him so much to see you leave. He hated the way you left, you left like you didn't care about him or you never did. You left as if this argument meant nothing to you like it did to him. It stung him to see how much carelessness you had inside you. Not even a singer tear drop from your eyes as you looked the opposite direction, why didn't you care?

Why did Kevin care so much while you cared so little? Why? Kevin just wanted to hold you, touch you, feel you, kiss you, he just wanted you. He just wanted to keep the friendship you had. He just wanted to hang on to that little rope while it was still there, he just wanted you to be with him for as long as he could breath.

And it angered him and infuriated him to the fact that he just can't seem to be angry at you. Yes, he hates you so much for the argument and what you had said about him. That you thought he was weird, strange...

But for some reason all he wants is to hold you. Oh my gosh all he wants to do is hold you. Fuck this whole anger thing, he just wants to have you again.

But even tho you were only a few feet away from him; a few rooms away from him, it felt like it was a mile. And even if he wanted to, his body felt to exhausted to get up and find you somewhere around the house. But he couldn't. He tried.

But when he stood up his legs were trembling and his feet were glued stuck on the ground.

And even if he did, what would he say? Would his anger for you decline when he sees your beautiful face again? Or will it increase knowing that you have no care for him in the world while his whole world is practically you.

So he laid there, laid on his back and stared upwards at the ceiling as his hot tears stained his checks and rolled down his face.

He didn't get that much sleep that night. All he could think was the words that you said to him. Was he really that weird? Why? Why is he so damn weird?

"Oh my gosh why am I so weird." He crooked out in a cry. If he wasn't so strange like you said he was, then you would still be next to him with your warm body and comforting smile. But of course, nothing can go his way.

He hated himself so much.

The next day Kevin woke up and got up from the couch, his head was ringing and his eyes could only crack open just a little bit due to how sore they were.

His shirt was dried up from all the tears but the pillow he was sleeping on was still soaking wet. He wiped his face and started to search around for you.

Kevin checked the kitchen, bathroom, your room...you were no where to be found.

He began to start worrying until he went back to the kitchen and looked at the counter to see a note with pills by it.

Curiously, he picked up the note and started reading it.

I had to leave to go to work, but before that I woke up a little bit early to go and buy Tylenol for your headache. I even told your coach that you were at my home sick and that you'll be in tomorrow to get checked up.
Stay safe and rest at my house, Kevin.

- Y/N

Kevin picked up the pills and got a glass of water. He took the pill and sat down at the Couch.

Kevin could not really explain the feeling that he got in his stomach. Something close to butterflies but also close to throwing up. He made his stomach twist when he realized that you went out of your way to go and buy him pills to a headache you didn't even know about.

And now he feels bad that he thought such low things on you last night.

What mind tricks are you playing with him? Do you like him or not?


[guys you will not believe me when I say that I lost a 8 year friendship during this month.😭💀]

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