T E N | 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞

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Now to get things straight, Kevin isn't the sharpest in the shed.

He often finds himself contemplating with himself and having a hard time to make choices of his own or for other people. He's also been homeschool his whole life and with the type of treatment he gets at home...we know he's not that educated.

He's very naive, innocent, quiet and introverted. All those things don't match well together. Needles to say, he's not boss martial or someone you'd want to talk to for advice, education- ect.

Why does this matter you might ask? Well, since his personality is like this it makes it rather hard and difficult to get things thru his thick scull. Considering he needs to cheek not once, not twice, but three times that he has his soccer cleats each day, yeah, that right there tells you a lot.

And Chucky knows this. He knows Kevin better than his own mom- and Chucky barely knows Kevin.

But one thing is certain and that is Chucky doesn't want to see Kevin suffer the way he did. He doesn't want to see this innocent, tiny, small fragile heart get smushed and smothered into a little ball just because of you.

No, that would be the last thing he wanted to happen. He didn't want you and Diego to pull this again. He didn't want you to have the satisfaction of tormenting Kevin, playing around with his heart strings like it was nothing. No, Chucky didn't want to see that happen ever again. He wouldn't allow that to happen again.

Even despite the fact that he still wishes to be with you. He just couldn't.

It burns him inside knowing how much he wants to be next to you, beside you. He hates how you can just have him wrapped around your finger again. He hates it so much.

Now, walking down a dark street Chucky finds himself kicking rocks into the concrete side walk as he strolled down the dim night. The weather was chilly and when he would murmur hatred things under his breath smoke would appear then evaporate into thin air. The street lights were on, making the road have a pattern of yellow light then darkness, yellow light then darkness, yellow light then...

"I can't believe her!" He groaned to himself. He smacked his heel on the damaged road and watched as pebbles flew into the air. "He's been thru a lot! Can't she see the scars imprinted on him? Or is she blind...OR IS SHE JUST A LITTLE-"

He punted the ground again and scoffed whatever mean word he could say out of his mouth.

He continued this process of anger. He even took small breaks for a couple of seconds to actually enjoy the night before returning to his thoughts again and repeating this process once more. Screaming, coughing, yelling, taking a break and doing to all over again.

It really, truly did irritate him. He didn't like how you had learned nothing and continued to play men after men after men. Oh yeah, you have experience with this type of stuff. It would always be you and Diego, making bets and gambling like these men were some type of game.

"She's such a hoe-"


His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, cutting him off from his- yet another word to label you. "Hello?" He asked thru the phone.

Silence was heard for a bit before the person behind the phone answered. "Yes! Hello? Chucky!? Oh my gosh..." the deep voice growled.

Chucky stopped in his tracks, raised his eyebrow, turned backwards on his heel and started to walk back from where he came from. All while the hatred left and what was once anger was now complete confusion.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now