T W E L V E | 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐫

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Ermmm guys...someone said my chapters for this book is not in order.🌚 please let me know if it is or isn't bc that's embarrassing...

Chucky walked in.

For a moment, you and Kevin didn't look right at him. Instead, you stared at each other for a second to long, thinking about the same thing.

Did Chucky hear us?

That thought made your insides twist with discomfort, the thought of you and Kevin's private conversation that felt at the moment so quiet now felt like you'd been screaming at each other. You weren't even paying attention if Chucky was knocking, tapping the door, or even calling you guys because how focused you were on Kevin.

You retrained thought and fixated your posture, looking more powerful and dominant like you always did. Something about your scary narrowed eyes and always clenched jaw made you look so exotic- like you were made only to terrify people and assert your dominance.

And something about that made you so much more exciting and intriguing. Like an easy lure to get men to do whatever you want, since you were such a capturing lady.

Chucky cleared his throat. "I uh- I don't know what I ehm..." Chucky nervously looked between the both of you, "I don't quite know what I interrupted between you two."

You looked to the side out of curiosity to see what Kevin's expression looked like, but when you turned to him he was already staring at you with the same droopy eyes.

Your brain sprung and you felt slight heat- or sweat even roll down your back. "Nothing." You answered, or maybe just assured Chucky. "Nothing happened."

Your stomach flipped. He knew you were lying. He bit the inside of his cheek and nodded slowly, like he always did when you two were something. He'd always bit his cheek that made his jaw appear shaper and slowly nod whenever you lied or joked about something.

Hopefully, he was just assuming and didn't actually hear what you were saying to Kevin. Although you don't particularly know why you didn't want him to know so much. It's not like he would care.

Chucky clicked his tongue and moved closer to Kevin, "I'm going to take you home, Y/n." He said looking at you, then turning his head to Kevin, "Then I'm going to have a talk with you." He said almost threatening.


Now, that rest of the night was such a blur from you, that it felt almost maybe it didn't happen at all and you were just dreaming.

You can't remember what happened after Chucky said that, or even if that happened at all.

I mean, no one talked about that night after that so you'd came into a conclusion that you had a really strange realistic dream, a dream that didn't feel like a dream and almost like an hallucination.

But, after that (what you decided was a dream), Kevin had been acting a lot different. And not an a weird shy way like he's always had. In a way like he'd been avoiding you.

He doesn't talk to you as much, he runs away from you whenever he sees you, and he even ignores you whenever you're over for practice.

Which leads you to think that the dream you had wasn't actually a dream and in fact a reality, because ever since that say he's been weird. Not like normal.

You wonder if that when you and Kevin agreed not to talk about it, he stuck to that. Maybe that's why you haven't heard about it between you and him. And maybe that's why he's been weird.

But if that is true...

You want to know what Chucky told him that made him act so wired, because surely he wouldn't act like that on his own, especially towards you. You knew that.

You wonder what happened after that blur washed away your memory.

You wonder what was going on thru Kevin's head.


Hopefully this will get interesting.

[short chapter???😻]


𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now