S I X T E E N | 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐮𝐩

509 17 11

Guys I'm writing this an hour before church‼️

"That's it! Me and you are over!"

Lola shouted at Kevin and proceeded to walk away from the scene. Leaving Kevin with his mouth agape and his eyebrows knit upwards in pure frustration.

He then turned to you with the same look on his face, and unlike what you had thought, his face seem to get triggered by just looking at you. His mouth tighten in a line and his eyes narrowed down at you, beaming at you as well as his eyebrows clenched downwards like he was stalking his prey.

If he didn't look so attractive in that moment, you might've actually been scared for a second.

But for some reason Kevin didn't say anything, he just stared at you and his face seem to soften- or maybe just un harden, each second he stared at you.

Though finally, after the awkward silence and the weird staring contest you guys had on, he spoke up. "Well uhm..." He looked behind him to see Lola in the distance, getting smaller and smaller in his vision as she walked out of it.

"Uhm..." he said once more, his voice did not matched his face. He sounded fuerce, strong, unbothered- but his face looked the complete opposite.

Then he turned back to you, staring at you again but this time with the blankest facial expression ever. Like he was holding back whatever emotion he was feeling in that moment just so you couldn't see it, read it, pay attention to it...

But finally, he caved.

"I j-just don't know what to do right now..." he whispered, and there was the voice that matched his face. That same old wobbly voice that you would always hear from him. For a moment, you were happy that he finally reveled himself to you and actually let you hear him again. Hear just any other voice come out of his mouth except for boredom, like he had before with you. Though On the other hand...

Kevin might've just went thru his very first breakup. And that's what you didn't know what to help with, what to do, how to do it, you weren't really the best at coping so helping other people with theirs was a whole other level. To say the least, you were stressing onto what to say or do right then and there.

Thankfully, Kevin was one step ahead of you.

He walked up to you, stared at you for a quick second, flashed a lazy smile, and then extended his arms to bring you in for a hug.

You hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your chin in the crook of his neck. Embracing him fully and happily as you heard a sigh of relief come from Kevin above. The hug was nice and warm, though Kevin did something that he usually wouldn't do.

He put his hands lower, and lower, and lower...

Just as you were about to say something to him, he stopped himself just above your ass, groping your lower back tight and bringing it towards him more.

You felt his hips thrust just every so slightly into you, and now you could feel every part of Kevin. And I mean every part.

You were molded and mingled with him from chest to toe as the hug intensified. You weren't really sure on what to say or when to end the hug, because you did need to go home soon to do your nightly routine.

I mean it was already 6:30 p.m and it was getting dark pretty quickly...

That's when sniffling caught your attention quick. You lifted your head up and pulled away to see Kevin's eyes watery and red. You did also feel the cold air target the wet spot of tears on your lower shoulder when he pulled his head away.

You pouted your lips at him. "Oh Kevin..." you hummed. Kevins face twitched as he looked away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for crying I just didn't have a good week."

"No need to apologize, Kevin. It's natural to cry I do all the time! Especially if your not having a good week."

He hummed as he put his head back to the same place on your shoulder and hugged you closer this time. You smiled and rubbed his back a few times before patting it and pulling away from him.

But he quickly pulled you back into the hug and tightened his grip on you. "A few more seconds?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow of confusion at him and he quickly caught on.

"You're just so warm." He mumbled in bliss. He was strangely cold for some reason, I mean yeah it was getting colder but he was super cold.

That only made you worry a little bit more about him.

He pulled away fully with his eyes closed and backed up, letting a sigh fly out of his mouth as he opened his eyes to look at you again. His mouth quivered and you could see he was getting colder.

Kevin turned to the side and put his mouth into a straight line again. "She left..."

You raised an eyebrow once more. "Lola?" You asked even though it was obvious. He nodded his head and face you, "She was my ride."

A frown made it's way to your face. "I'm sorry," then a bright idea came up in mind. "Maybe I could drop you off?" You said with a lousy smile.

But this time it was his turn to frown at you.

Your smile slowly fell down, "At your house..." you continued. He only frowned even more.

"I don't think I want to be at my house right now." He said, "alone." He shivered at the thought and grimace.

You shrugged. "If you want you can come over to mine?" He seemed to stiffen up at the suggestion. You put your hands up in defense, "only if you want! If you don't I cane drop you off at Lola's house, or any other place!"

"No," he mumbled, "Your house would be wonderful. I just need some company."

You nodded and got into your car as he followed on the other side. The both of you shut your doors in sync and you began to drive off.

The whole ride there was just an uncomfortable silence and for the first time in forever you were glad you lived close to the stadium. That way you didn't have to deal with the dead silence that invaded the car.

Once you got home you went inside and Kevin trailed behind. You opened your door and immediately felt the nice soft air hit your skin as well as the scent of your candles hitting your nose.

"Wow this house is gorgeous." Kevin complemented.

You nodded your head and sat down on the coach, patting a seat right next to your for him to sit down.

He sat down next to you. "Now, i don't wanna seem to be nosy." You started off. "But how did you even end up dating Lola?"

Kevin shifted uncomfortably. "It's a weird story."

Your eyes widened. "I'm up to hear it."

* ˚ ✦

[trying to update for 5 days straight😢]


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