T H R E E | 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭

819 19 47

Quiet as possible.

Kevin snuck into his moms house.

He hasn't seen his mom since the last incident. Which lead him into the hospital, again. Kevin was scared, very scared. He had snuck out and went to party, party with people that he didn't know and party with drinks.

One thing about his mom...she hates when Kevin is happy. That's why ever since Kevin turned 21 she forbids him from ever touching those liquids. It's not even out of 'love' or her being 'caring'. It's out of pettiness, and she knows that being drunk could lead to a bad emotion. Or a good one. Which is too risky for her, because God forbid Kevin has a little fun.

It's not like Kevin drank. He couldn't even look at bottles without gagging and wanting to throw up. Because whenever he saw bottles of beer, or whatever it would always remind him of his mom. Why would he want to consume something that reminds him of her?

So for that reason, and many other reasons he doesn't drink. Actually he hasn't drank at all in his whole life time. He doesn't know if he should be proud of that or embarrassed by that. Either way, those emotions won't stop his mom.

Because if Kevin's gets caught, his mom will asume the worst. Even if Kevin didn't drink, he wouldn't be able to explain himself. He never gets to explain himself. It would be a blessing if one day he could explain himself. Maybe then he wouldn't get so much bruises on his body.

Taking 1 step into the house, he slyly closed the door. Thankfully, it didn't make any noise and was actually surprisingly silent. He turned around to be met with pure darkness. The room was so dark, pitch black, Kevin had to wave his veiny hands around for some type of balance. He waved his hands all around, trying to touch something so he could lean on.

That's when he felt something...a shoulder.

Kevin squeaked out and jumped back. He landed on his butt and looked up in the air, even if he couldn't see the figure, he could feel the presence. Kevin used his hands to find the floor, walking himself with his hands backwards as he tried to stand up.

Then the lights flicked on, making Kevin squint his eyes at the dark outlined figure in front of him. "Where the fuck were you?" The aggressive voice ringed. Kevin shivered a little, already knowing where this was going to go.

Kevin's eyed adjusted to the bright lighting, trying his best to look at his mom without a problem. "N-no where." He lied. Kevin backed up and watched his mom's expression. He could till just by the little smirk on her face that she knew he was lying. If how much he was shaking didn't prove it to her, then it would have been the little stutter in his voice. Things like that make it obvious to her if he's lying or not.

She leaned down next to him, smelling a pure scent that made her go crazy.

"I smell alcohol on you..." she said, almost like she didn't believe it herself. No way Kevin would disobey her orders! He would not be dumb enough to do so. But there was a possibility.

Kevin was alerted, shaking his head rapidly and trying his best to speak. "It's not! I didn't drink, smoke, vape, or even said one single bad word!" He assured. He named a few of her rules, like smoking, vaping, swearing. Although he hasn't done things of that sort, he has swore. He doesn't do it often, afraid that his mom would somehow find out.

She let out a dry chuckle. "You really think I'm going to believe that?" She pulled Kevin in by his callar, facing face to face with him. Kevin stumped around, trying to flea from her extremely strong grip. Tho he wasn't able to, her grip was too strong and Kevin wasn't going to use his full strength on his own mother.

"Listen here Kevin," Kevin listened up, hearing every word that would come out of her mouth. It's like a routine with how much times this has happened. She snickered, looking Kevin up and down in pity. "You're lucky that you caught me in a good mood today. I knew where you were, actually, I was preparing for when you got home."

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now