S E V E N | 𝐀𝐠𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞

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América played on my birthday🤭

You weren't in the best mood today, actually you were in the worst mood you've been in for a while.

It all started with your dream, a dream about your ex boyfriend. You didn't even want to say his name, because even then it give you goosebumps and the ick. But the idea of the dream was enough to get you worked up again, so you decided not to even think about it. Instead, you tried to ignore the dream you had that relived the past and got your mind off of things.

But that didn't work.

You tried your best to be calm, happy, content. But with the lingering thought of your dream made your mood sour and itchy. Although you noticed how rude and annoying you were being, you didn't notice how MUCH of it you were. For example...

On the car ride to the game, you tried to listen to music but you kept on getting annoyed at the ugly songs your playlist had for some reason and how slow your wifi was being. You even went as far as throwing your phone to the back of the car out of stress over such a small thing.

You honestly didn't know why you were mad exactly. All you knew was that you were very frustrated over small things, things that you usually (and shouldn't) get frustrated over. But sometimes you have bad days, and although you don't like it, it happens to everyone. So everyone should understand how you're feeling...right?

Anyways, when you arrived to the stadium you got a little visit from Diego. The icky thought of Diego made your stomach grumbled in annoyance. Actually, the thought of anyone made your stomach swell.

As you were walking to your locker room, Diego sprinted towards you with a huge happy grin shining around his face. Corrupting his aura and beaming his happiness. You could tell that he was pleased with his day and was enjoying life. Unlike you. The thought alone of someone else having a good day made you furious.

He cut your tracks, stopping you and roughly pinching your shoulders. "Ready for the plan today!?" He squeezed out, pinching you harder with anticipation.

You groaned to yourself as you harshly shoved his harmful touch away. Not even a 'hi'? Just straight to this stupid plan...

I guess you couldn't be too mad at Diego. It's the only entertainment he gets around here and you were the one who agreed knowing very well who Diego was. But at the same time you couldn't help but feel obligated to yourself. But then again you agreed to it. You shouldn't be mad at this when you knew what you were getting yourself into.

Though, you still felt true to yourself when you said you were angry. That doesn't change. "What the hell do you want?" You rushed out. Arms lifting heavy up, and down, and nose tinted to a red of yours. It's strange how you were so angry.

Diego raised an eyebrow at your aggression, stunned and oblivious onto why you were acting like that towards your own brother. although Diego was a little hurt by your words and actions, he's dominating frown slowly turned into a enjoyable grin. Smile lines twisting upwards in realization.

Look at you, so mad, angry, enraged. Eyes shooting a glare at him while your lips were curled back. Why were you so mad? Diego doesn't know. But he doesn't rather care either, the only thing that dinged in his mind was an update on his exotic plan. And you're just feeding him these outrages ideas.

Yeah...Diego's not normal.

Diego leaned down into you, tapping your shoulder faintly as he whispered. "Are you mad?" He taunted, smirking at you childishly.

You shrugged off his hand and pushed him away. "Why do YOU care?" You asked in disbelief. Diego isn't the type of guy to ask about your feelings and what not, actually he's the type of guy that'l make the conversation all about himself. It sort of stumped you for a second.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now