T W O | 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞

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Sensitive content ahead.

"That's what you're going to wear?" Chucky asked, amused at Kevin's outfit.

Feeling embarrassed, Kevin covered up his body shyly as he looked down at the floor with humiliation. "I- I mean yeah...it's a suit...for a party." Well this was just awkward.

Kevin's never had real friends before. He's never even talked to a ton of people before. All of this is sort of knew, and he had no idea chucky was just playing around with him.

Chucky sat down on his bed, getting a good look on Kevin's body and shape. Outlining his figure, he clicked his tongue and looked up at Kevin. "It's a little baggy, no? And it's also hot as fuck outside and you're wearing all black." He pointed out.

Kevin fiddled nervously with the hem of his pants. Looking around the room to avoid eye contact. "I guess. What else can I wear?" Kevin asked.

Chucky smiled and happily stood up, going next to Kevin and opening the closest right behind him. He dug thru his clothes that were piled neatly on top of each other, Kevin found that astonishing on how organized he was. For Kevin, he would be lucky if he had his own room. Own tv , own house.

Own bed. Kevin didn't have his own bed, he would sleep on the hard cold floor if he was lucky and behaved that day. If not, he would sleep outside with nothing but boxers on so he could feel the outside weather to the max. Actually, sometimes Kevin would prefer to sleep outside on the rough grass. It's better than sleeping in the same house as his own mom. Way better.

Even if sometimes random animals would go and crawl up near him, he didn't care. Kevin loved the nature, and he's grown used to it over the years of sleeping outside. Though sleeping outside wasn't always the best choice, like when he would wake up with bite marks all over his back, or when he would have soreness and swelling all around his back from the rocks and sticks.

His mom wouldn't allow anything else privileged than that tho.

"Ah! Here they are." Chucky said. Kevin snapped out of his thoughts and looked back to see Chucky holding up nice pieces of clothing. Though they were shorts, and short sleeves shirts.

He laid them out on the bed neatly and pulled his lips back into a straight line. "Hmm, which one do you like Kevin?" He asked.

Kevin shook his head, already getting a headache from overthinking. "No I can't wear that! It's to reveling and it'll show all my scars and bruises and people are going to think I'm getting abused or something!"


Chucky sighed, packing up all the clothes and throwing them back into the closet without second thought. He understood where Kevin was coming from, though it didn't quite made sense to him.

"So you'd rather wear that then those clothes I just showed you?" He asked, highly confused.

Kevin looked down at his outfit. Feeling sad and embarrassed on how ugly it now looked to him.

Kevin thought it looked good.

With a frustrated sigh, Kevin looked back at the closet where the clothes that he saw before met his eyes. "I guess I'll...wear that." He didn't want to. He would have felt much more comfortable wearing that outfit he had on before. Though he's trying to get used to things like this. Maybe it's trendy and popular? Maybe Chucky's doing Kevin a favor.

Chucky squeaked. "Nice! Here I'm guessing you like black, right?" He asked. Kevin nodded slowly as he watched Chucky pull out black clothing.

"Here," he said, tossing the clothes at Kevin to catch. Though Kevin just let it hit him while he flinched back. Raising an eyebrow, Chucky cleared his throat. Making Kevin come back to his senses and pick up the clothing.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now