T W E N T Y | ONE | 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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Y'all this year so far as been HETIC but yk im trying to get better. My friendship of 8 years recently came to an end and my grandpa died this week. 🫤 things have been rough but I'm trusting Gods procces and doing me!

The breeze was cold, your head was on fire on your feet burnt up from the amount of running you had just done.

Your legs felt sore though you kept the slight jogging pace as your coach said too. This day had been the worst day ever. You had a big migraine and every thing in your body was sore.

And in the crowd, by the stands and the benches, stood Diego Lainez, your brother.

You stared him down and you both made eye contact with each other. The tension between you two was ínstense as if it could cut steal into shreds. Still jogging, you looked away from him and kept doing your training.

You'll talk to him later.

You sighed and shook your head, but for now...

"Y/n!" A young, talented player stood right next to you, tapping you on your shoulders to get your attention. You stopped your slight jog and faced her direction.

She was cute, but your mind was too foggy to pay attention to the rest of her awaited features.


Her smile tilted a little bit to the sound of your bored voice, but she kept it up and showed her pretty smile lines. "I know you don't know me but...can you do me a favor? Please..?"

You let out groan, loud enough for just you and her to hear. You wiped your face in exaggeration. "Im sorry but I don't even know you and-"

"It's okay! You don't got to know me! I just need to know something regarding you." The girl looked around as if someone was watching her. Cautiously, you did the same. But the only man who you knew for sure that was watching you was Diego.

But still, he could be a threat too.

When she was done, your eyes darted back at her when she walked up to you.

She came close, close enough for her to whisper in your ear.
"Talk to me after practice."

She backed away and nodded at you in assurance. All you did was give her a blank stare, deep in your thoughts for a second, then gave her a nod of approval.

This day has been weird.

To distract your engorging thoughts, you walked over to the bench to grab your water bottle. Only to be meet with the one person who you really couldn't tolerate at all at that moment.

"I know you got staring problems. But when you stare at me like that, I know you want to tell me something."

Your face fell into a exhausted look, turning around and being face to face with Diego. You swallowed your water and wiped your mouth with the cloth of your blue and yellow sleeve.

Diego stood there with his hands in his front pocket of his jeans, looking innocent and kind like he was the bestest brother in the whole wide world.

"Yes actually," you grumbled out, you wiped down your shorts and gave him a angered expression. "I do have something to tell you."

Diego smirked and stood tall, though not too tall since tippy toes don't count,
"talk away."

You let in a deep breath, "I'm done with this whole thing. I don't want to keep doing this with Kevin. Okay? It's not only exhausting me, but it's exhausting him. I can't keep letting-"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃||Kevin Álvarez Where stories live. Discover now